All Stories

  1. Prospective evaluation of a clinical decision support system in psychological therapy.
  2. Patients’ and therapists’ actions on the precipice of change: Session processes before sudden gains and sudden losses.
  3. Exploring change in cognitive-behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder—A two-arms ABAB crossed-therapist randomized clinical implementation trial.
  4. The reciprocal relationship between alliance and early treatment symptoms: A two-stage individual participant data meta-analysis.
  5. Patterns of change and their relationship to outcome and follow-up in group and individual psychotherapy for depression.
  6. Patterns of early change in interpersonal problems and their relationship to nonverbal synchrony and multidimensional outcome.
  7. Assessing treatment integrity in personalized CBT: the inventory of therapeutic interventions and skills
  8. Associations between movement synchrony and outcome in patients with social anxiety disorder: Evidence for treatment specific effects
  9. Predicting personalized process-outcome associations in psychotherapy using machine learning approaches—A demonstration
  10. Warum die Psychotherapieforschung in Deutschland ausgebaut werden sollte/könnte/müsste