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  1. Data science career preference of Nigeria University students
  2. Security and preservation of election data in Nigeria in the4IR
  3. Students’ use of smartphones for on-demand learning in universities in Nigeria
  4. Emerging issues on global ranking of Nigerian universities
  5. Anomalies in Nigeria Presidential Election Data and Way Forward
  6. Patterns and conversational structure of knowledge sharing on Ebola virus disease
  7. Predatory Open Access Journals and Attainment of Educational Sustainable Development Goals in Africa
  8. Preferences and Motivations of Sharing COVID-19 Information on Social Media
  9. Health information source use in rural communities
  10. Monte Carlo simulation of vote counts from Nigeria presidential elections
  11. Application of digits based test to analyse presidential election data in Nigeria
  12. Knowledge sharing practices among cataloguers in Nigeria's academic libraries
  13. Factors influencing knowledge sharing among academics in Bowen University, Nigeria
  14. Citation Analysis of Ph.D. Theses at Faculty of Science, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
  15. Agricultural Information Sources and Literacy of Fruit Farmers
  16. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Use by Lecturers at the National University of Lesotho
  17. Predictors of traditional medical knowledge transmission and acquisition in South West Nigeria
  18. Influence of service quality on consumers’ satisfaction with mobile telecommunication services in Nigeria
  19. Preserving traditional medical knowledge through modes of transmission: A post-positivist enquiry
  20. Prevalence and determinants of Internet addiction among adolescents
  21. Evaluation of Sectoral Implementation of Nigerian National Information Technology (IT) Policy
  22. Internet access and usage by secondary school students in a Nigerian Municipality
  23. Towards an online bachelor of information science degree programme in a Nigerian University: Part 2 – Lessons from a market survey
  24. Towards an online bachelor of information science degree programme in a Nigerian University: Part 1 – Lessons from the literature and existing curricula
  25. Internationalization of information science education in Nigeria
  26. The effect of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on knowledge sharing intentions of civil servants in Ebonyi State, Nigeria
  27. Analysing lawyers’ attitude towards knowledge sharing
  28. Influence of Individual, Organizational and System Factors on Attitude of Online Banking Users
  29. Analyzing the Influence of Diffusion of Innovation Attributes on Lecturers’ Attitude Towards Information and Communication Technologies
  30. Analyzing traditional medical practitioners’ information-seeking behaviour using Taylor’s information-use environment model
  31. Information and Communication Technology Use by Reproductive Health Workers in Nigeria: State of the Art, Issues and Challenges
  32. Analysing Socio-Demographic Differences in Access and Use of ICTs in Nigeria Using the Capability Approach
  33. The Adoption of Automatic Teller Machines in Nigeria: An Application of the Theory of Diffusion of Innovation
  34. The Adoption of Automatic Teller Machines in Nigeria: An Application of the Theory of Diffusion of Innovation
  35. Analysing Socio-Demographic Differences in Access and Use of ICTs in Nigeria Using the Capability Approach
  36. Private and public schools dichotomies in the adoption and use of information and communication technology
  37. Gender and National ICT Policy in Africa: issues, strategies, and policy options
  38. A survey of preservation and conservation practices and techniques in Nigerian University Libraries
  39. Adoption and use of ICTs in Nigeria's manufacturing industry. A preliminary survey
  40. GSM usage at the University of Ibadan
  41. Computer use and health hazard: perceptions from Nigeria's Premier University
  42. Gender and National IT Policy in Nigeria
  43. Gender and National IT Policy in Nigeria
  44. Policy Options for E-Education in Nigeria
  45. Gender and National IT Policy in Nigeria
  46. Challenges and Policy Imperatives for E-Government in Africa
  47. E-Commerce Challenges and Policy Considerations in Nigeria
  48. Information Technology Usage in Nigeria
  49. Challenges and Policy Imperatives for E-Government in Africa
  50. Integration of Policies and Regulatory Frameworks for the Convergent ICT Industry in Nigeria
  51. Challenges and Policy Imperatives for E-Government in Africa
  52. Challenges and Policy Imperatives for E-Government in Africa
  53. E-Commerce Challenges and Policy Considerations in Nigeria
  54. E-Commerce Challenges and Policy Considerations in Nigeria
  55. Sectoral Analysis of ICT Use in Nigeria
  56. ICTs and Governance in Africa
  57. Integration of Policies and Regulatory Frameworks for the Convergent ICT Industry in Nigeria
  58. ICTs and Governance in Africa