All Stories

  1. Sea-ice and water dynamics and moonlight impact the acoustic backscatter diurnal signal over the eastern Beaufort Sea continental slope
  2. Sea–ice and water dynamics and moonlight impact the acoustic backscatter diurnal signal over the eastern Beaufort Sea continental slope
  3. Review of “A comprehensive oceanographic datasetof a subpolar, mid-latitude broad fjord: Fortune Bay,Newfoundland, Canada” by Donnetet al.
  4. Interaction of diel vertical migration of zooplankton with tides
  5. Response to interactive comment of anonymous referee #1
  6. Response to review comments from Anonymous Referee # 3
  7. Response tointeractive comment of anonymous referee #2
  8. Impact of tidal dynamics on diel vertical migration of zooplankton in Hudson Bay
  9. Tidally-generated internal waves in Southeast Hudson Bay
  10. In Situ Passive Microwave and UAV Observations of Early Summer Sea Ice
  11. Circulation and fjord-shelf exchange during the ice-covered period in Young Sound-Tyrolerfjord, Northeast Greenland (74°N)
  12. The storm produced circulation and lunar light during polar twilight affect DVM of zooplankton.
  13. Nonlinear optics of molecular nanostructures in solution: Assessment of the size and nonlinear optical properties
  14. Nonlinear optical spectroscopy of collagen transformation