All Stories

  1. Blockmodeling, Positions and Roles
  2. Scientific collaboration of post-Soviet countries: the effects of different network normalizations
  3. Clustering and Blockmodeling Temporal Networks – Two Indirect Approaches
  4. Collaboration between authors in the field of social network analysis
  5. Clustering of Modal Valued Data
  6. Analysis of the Southern women network using fractional approach
  7. 20th anniversary of Islovar
  8. Journals publishing social network analysis
  9. Clustering of modal-valued symbolic data
  10. iMetrics: the development of the discipline with many names
  11. On fractional approach to analysis of linked networks
  12. Temporal bibliographic networks
  13. Towards a systematic description of the field using keywords analysis: main topics in social networks
  14. Clustering and Generalized ANOVA for Symbolic Data Constructed from Open Data
  15. Corrected Overlap Weight and Clustering Coefficient
  16. Advances in Network Clustering and Blockmodeling
  17. Introduction
  18. Bibliometric Analyses of the Network Clustering Literature
  19. Clustering Approaches to Networks
  20. Conclusions and Directions for Future Work
  21. Social network analysis as a field of invasions: bibliographic approach to study SNA development
  22. Python Packages for Networks
  23. Sources of Network Data
  24. Python Packages for Networks
  25. Pajek and PajekXXL
  26. The emergence of a field: a network analysis of research on peer review
  27. Semirings and Matrix Analysis of Networks
  28. Visualization and analysis of SCImago Journal & Country Rank structure via journal clustering
  29. An algebraic approach to temporal network analysis based on temporal quantities
  30. Analysis and visualization of large networks with program package Pajek
  31. FIDE Chess Network
  32. Generalized two-mode cores
  33. Hierarchical link clustering algorithm in networks
  34. A weighted clustering of population pyramids for the world's countries, 1996, 2001, 2006
  35. Network analysis of Zentralblatt MATH data
  36. Understanding Large Temporal Networks and Spatial Networks
  37. Network Analysis of Publications on Topological Indices from the Web of Science
  38. Optimizing SCImago Journal & Country Rank classification by community detection
  39. Sources of Network Data
  40. Pajek
  41. Semirings and Matrix Analysis of Networks
  42. On bibliographic networks
  43. Social Network Analysis, Large-Scale
  44. Complex Networks, Visualization of
  45. Visual Analysis of Large Graphs Using (X,Y)-Clustering and Hybrid Visualizations
  46. Clustering of Distributions: A Case of Patent Citations
  47. Special issue on ‘Network Analysis’ Preface by the Guest Editors
  48. Clustering large data sets described with discrete distributions and its application on TIMSS data set
  49. Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek
  50. Fast algorithms for determining (generalized) core groups in social networks
  51. Visual analysis of large graphs using (X,Y)-clustering and hybrid visualizations
  52. Network Analysis of Works on Clustering and Classification from Web of Science
  53. Social Network Analysis, Large-Scale
  54. Complex Networks, Visualization of
  55. Probabilistic Inductive Classes of Graphs
  56. CALIBRATE and CAS/DGS resources
  57. Analysis of Kinship Relations With Pajek
  58. Analysis of the customers' choice networks
  59. Short cycle connectivity
  60. Visualisation and analysis of the internet movie database
  61. Indirect Blockmodeling of 3-Way Networks
  62. Visualization of three- and four-part (sub)compositions with R
  63. Efficient generation of large random networks
  64. Analiza slovarja ODLIS s programom Pajek
  65. Corrigendum to “Generalized blockmodeling of two-mode network data” [Social Networks 26 (2004) 29–53]
  66. Generalized Blockmodeling
  67. Generalized blockmodeling of two-mode network data
  68. Symbolic Data Analysis Approach to Clustering Large Datasets
  69. A subquadratic triad census algorithm for large sparse networks with small maximum degree
  70. Some analyses of Erdős collaboration graph
  71. Clustering Relational Data
  72. Symmetric-Acyclic Decompositions of Networks
  73. Partitioning Approach to Visualization of Large Graphs
  74. Reviews
  75. Determining the Distance Index, II
  76. Clustering Large Datasets of Mixed Units
  77. Fitting Pre-specified Blockmodels
  78. Notes on blockmodeling
  79. Determining the Distance Index
  80. Comparing resemblance measures
  81. Inductive classes of bipartite cubic graphs
  82. Preface
  83. Semirings for social networks analysis
  84. Partitioning networks based on generalized concepts of equivalence
  85. Comparison of three different approaches to the property prediction problem
  86. Dynamic programming and convex clustering
  87. On Connecting Network Analysis and Cluster Analysis
  88. Direct and indirect methods for structural equivalence
  89. An optimizational approach to regular equivalence
  90. Direct multicriteria clustering algorithms
  91. Study of computation, relatedness and activity prediction of topological indices
  92. Cross-sectional approach for clustering time varying data
  93. Agglomerative Hierarchical Multicriteria Clustering Using Decision Rules
  94. An algorithm for tree-realizability of distance matrices∗
  95. An inductive definition of the class of 3-connected quadrangulations of the plane
  96. An improved inductive definition of two restricted classes of triangulations of the plane
  97. Knowledge engineering techniques for utility identification
  98. On the balanced divide and conquer equation
  99. Inductive definition of two restricted classes of triangulations
  101. Some types of clustering with relational constraints
  102. Clustering with relational constraint
  103. Hamiltonian cycles in the cartesian product of a tree and a cycle
  104. Note on ultrametric hierarchical clustering algorithms
  105. Understanding criteria of news selection in mass communication: A clustering approach
  106. The quadratic hash method when the table size is not a prime number
  107. Large-Scale Network Analysis
  108. Analyzing the Structure of U.S. Patents Network