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  1. The sway of migrant crisis and COVID-19 pandemic on voter preference.
  2. Recent psychology literature on anti-immigration sentiments in the US, Europe, Canada and Australia
  3. Bad News Travelled Slow on Twitter
  4. Anti-immigration stance: Too anchored in ideologies to be swayed by fear
  5. An effort to differentiate fearful and anxious public sentiments
  6. Anxiety as a Barrier to Information Processing in the Event of a Cyberattack
  7. Where does self-control fit in the Five-Factor Model? Examining personality structure in children and adults
  8. Expanding acculturation theory: Are acculturation models and the adaptiveness of acculturation strategies generalizable in a colonial context?
  9. Unveiling the genesis of the public's sentiments to go to war
  10. Angry sentiments, not fearful sentiments, precipitated the wars in the Middle East post 911