All Stories

  1. Opportunistic screening for COPD among socially marginalized patients
  2. Combined rehabilitation and palliative care interventions for patients with life-threatening diseases – PREGOAL. A scoping review of intervention programme goals
  3. Pain – from physical pain to social suffering
  4. Resonans i dødens nærvær
  5. Total pain and social suffering: marginalised Greenlanders' end-of-life in Denmark
  6. Art Therapy as a Liminal, Playful Space: Patient Experiences during a Cancer Rehabilitation Program
  7. Hospice Care: Between Existential and Medical Hope
  8. An existential support program for people with cancer: Development and qualitative evaluation
  9. “The quietness of the place calmed my troubled mind”: The restorative potential of environments in an existential rehabilitation programme for patients with cancer
  10. Intentions and the Doctrine of Double Effect
  11. Hospice Philosophy in Practice