All Stories

  1. Shades of criticality in health and wellbeing education
  2. The research landscape of school-based sexuality education
  3. Inside out: what we (don’t) talk about when we talk about research
  4. Community participation in rural Ecuador’s school feeding programme
  5. Supporting Structures for Education for Sustainable Development and School-based Health Promotion
  6. Sexuality education in different contexts: limitations and possibilities
  7. Effects of student participation in school health promotion: a systematic review
  8. Study protocol: rehabilitation including social and physical activity and education in children and teenagers with cancer (RESPECT)
  9. Healthy eating and physical activity in schools in Europe
  10. Health‐promoting changes with children as agents: findings from a multiple case study research
  11. What do health‐promoting schools promote?
  12. Exploring learning outcomes of school-based health promotion--a multiple case study
  13. On‐line learning environments and participatory health education: teachers’ reflections
  14. Participation and Learning
  15. Learning in and as Participation: A Case Study from Health-Promoting Schools
  16. Participation and Learning: Developing Perspectives on Education and the Environment, Health and Sustainability
  17. The changing meanings of participation in school-based health education and health promotion: the participants' voices
  18. Involving students in learning and health promotion processes - clarifying why? what? and how?
  19. Young-Minds.Net/Lessons Learnt: Student Participation, Action and Cross-cultural Collaboration in a Virtual Classroom: Venka Simovska and Bjarne Bruun Jensen Danish University of Education Press,Copenhagen, 2003 140 pp. ISBN 877613006-1.
  20. Student participation – simulation or reality? A vignette from the Macedonian network of health promoting schools
  21. Student participation: a democratic education perspective--experience from the health-promoting schools in Macedonia
  22. Worlds apart or of like minds? Mental health promotion in Macedonian and Australian schools