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  1. Tree mode of death and mortality risk factors across Amazon forests
  2. Long-term thermal sensitivity of Earth’s tropical forests
  3. Nanopore sequencing of long ribosomal DNA amplicons enables portable and simple biodiversity assessments with high phylogenetic resolution across broad taxonomic scale
  4. Bryophyte stable isotope composition, diversity and biomass define tropical montane cloud forest extent
  5. Defaunation increases the spatial clustering of lowland Western Amazonian tree communities
  6. A pantropical assessment of vertebrate physical damage to forest seedlings and the effects of defaunation
  7. Forest Composition and Spatial Patterns across a Western Amazonian River Basin: The Influence of Plant-Animal Interactions
  8. Identifying keystone plant resources in an Amazonian forest using a long-term fruit-fall record
  9. Bushmeat harvest in tropical forests: Knowledge base, gaps and research priorities
  10. Variable Density Responses of Primate Communities to Hunting Pressure in a Western Amazonian River Basin
  11. Are all seeds equal? Spatially explicit comparisons of seed fall and sapling recruitment in a tropical forest
  12. Distance-responsive natural enemies strongly influence seedling establishment patterns of multiple species in an Amazonian rain forest
  14. Salt Marsh Restoration in Connecticut: 20 Years of Science and Management
  15. Macroinvertebrate and Fish Populations in a Restored Impounded Salt Marsh 21 Years After the Reestablishment of Tidal Flooding