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  2. Marine shrimp fisheries research—a mismatch on spatial and thematic needs
  3. Flooding effects on abundance of an exploited, long-lived fish population in river-floodplains of the Amazon
  4. Scientific Productivity of Brazilian Ecological Stations
  5. Evaluating flood pulse relationships with fish catch in river-floodplains of the central Amazon
  6. Estimation of growth parameters of five fish species (Actinopterygii) caught in the central Amazon
  7. Scientific research in Neotropical protected areas: themes and gaps
  8. Scientific research in Neotropical protected areas: themes and gaps
  9. Response of Prochilodus nigricans to flood pulse variation in the central Amazon
  10. What are the main local drivers determining richness and fishery yields in tropical coastal fish assemblages?
  11. Drivers of the upper River Amazon giant catfish fishery
  12. Erratum to: Riverine fishers’ knowledge of extreme climatic events in the Brazilian Amazonia
  13. Fishing and drought effects on fish assemblages of the central Amazon Basin
  14. Length-weight relationships of two mugilid species from tropical estuarine systems in Alagoas, northeastern coast of Brazil
  15. Length-weight relationships for four stingray species from the tropical Atlantic Ocean
  16. Evaluation of management effectiveness of Brazilian Marine Protected Areas.
  17. Riverine fishers’ knowledge of extreme climatic events in the Brazilian Amazonia
  18. Close to extinction? The collapse of the endemic daggernose shark ( Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus ) off Brazil
  19. Estuarization increases functional diversity of demersal fish assemblages in tropical coastal ecosystems
  20. Global Scientific needs and capacities are mismatched between developed and developing countries.
  21. Fisheries ecology in South American river basins
  22. Seasonal growth ofMugil lizaValenciennes, 1836 in a tropical estuarine system
  23. Tropical Artisanal Coastal Fisheries: Challenges and Future Directions
  24. Geographic and Temporal Trends in Amazonian Knowledge Production
  25. The application of a general time series model to floodplain fisheries in the Amazon
  26. Latitudinal disparity in the reproductive cycle of sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon lalandii (Elasmobranchii: Carcharhinidae), in Atlantic waters off South America
  27. Estudos etnoictiológicos sobre o pirarucu Arapaima gigas na Amazônia Central
  28. A New Framework for Natural Resource Management in Amazonia
  29. Gestão compartilhada do uso de recursos pesqueiros no Brasil: elementos para um programa nacional
  30. Fish and aquatic habitat conservation in South America: a continental overview with emphasis on neotropical systems
  31. In search of traditional bio-ecological knowledge useful for fisheries co-management: the case of jaraquis Semaprochilodus spp. (Characiformes, Prochilodontidae) in Central Amazon, Brazil
  32. Dinâmica populacional da matrinxã Brycon amazonicus (Characidae) na Amazônia Central
  33. Landscape variables affecting fishery yield in lake systems of the Central Amazon region, Brazil
  34. Caracterização do uso de malhadeiras pela frota pesqueira que desembarca em Manaus e Manacapuru, Amazonas
  35. Descarte de peixes na pesca comercial em Tefé, médio Solimões, Amazônia Central
  36. Avaliação do desembarque pesqueiro efetuado em Manacapuru, Amazonas, Brasil
  37. Spatial and temporal distribution of fishing resources exploited by the Manaus fishing fleet, Amazonas, Brazil
  38. Repartição da renda derivada da primeira comercialização do pescado na pesca comercial artesanal que abastece Manaus ( Estado do Amazonas, Brasil)
  39. A organização do desembarque e o comércio de pescado na década de 1990 em Manaus, Amazonas
  40. Determinação de idade e crescimento do mapará (Hypophthalmus marginatus) na Amazônia Central
  41. Aspectos econômicos e operacionais das viagens da frota pesqueira de Manaus, Amazônia Central
  42. Caracterização da frota pesqueira de Parintins, Itacoatiara e Manacapuru, Estado do Amazonas
  43. O descarte de pescado na pesca com rede de cerco no baixo rio Solimões, Amazônia Central
  44. Characterization of the commercial fish production landed at Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil
  45. Strategies of the small-scale fisheries on the Central Amazon floodplain
  46. Temporal and spatial patterns on serra, Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Teleostei, Scombridae), catches from the fisheries on the Maranhão coast, Brazil
  47. Age and growth of the daggernose shark, Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus, from northern Brazil
  48. Characterization of the fishery in river communities in the low-Solimões/high-Amazon region
  50. Length-Weight Relationship of the Little Guitarfish, Zapteryx brevirostris (Chondrichthyes: Rhinobatidae), from Itaipu Inlet, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil