All Stories

  1. Misophonia: An Evidence-Based Case Report
  2. Response to Letter to Editor by Norrix and Faux, 2018
  3. Efficacy of Multicomponent Tympanometry in Identifying Middle Ear Disorder
  4. Criteria to Classify Children as Having Auditory Processing Disorders
  5. Parents' perceptions of tele-audiological testing in a rural hearing screening program in South India
  6. Age related changes in auditory processes in children aged 6 to 10 years
  7. Variation in the gaze, caloric test and vestibular-evoked myogenic potential with advancing age
  8. Tele-ABR using a satellite connection in a mobile van for newborn hearing testing
  9. Perception of Envelope-Enhanced Speech in the Presence of Noise by Individuals with Auditory Neuropathy
  10. Perception of speech with envelope enhancement in individuals with auditory neuropathy and simulated loss of temporal modulation processing
  11. Speech identification and cortical potentials in individuals with auditory neuropathy
  12. Effect of Envelope Enhancement on Speech Perception in Individuals with Auditory Neuropathy
  13. Mismatch negativity in children with dyslexia speaking Indian languages
  14. Functioning of Olivocochlear Bundle and Speech Perception in Noise