All Stories

  1. Acral lentiginous melanoma: a skin cancer with unfavourable prognostic features. A study of the German central malignant melanoma registry (CMMR) in 2050 patients
  2. Role of adipose tissue in facial aging
  3. Deep facial mycosis due to Trichophyton verrucosum -molecular genetic identification of the dermatophyte in paraffin-embedded tissue-case report and review of the literature
  4. Severe atypical herpes zoster as an initial symptom of fatal myelodysplastic syndrome with refractory anemia and blast excess (RAEB II)
  5. Local effects of adipose tissue in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis
  6. Microbiome in atopic dermatitis
  7. Comorbidities, treatment, and outcome in severe anogenital inverse acne (hidradenitis suppurativa): a 15-year single center report
  8. Multisystemic Sarcoidosis Presenting as Pretibial Leg Ulcers
  9. Are dermal adipocytes involved in psoriasis?
  10. Dresdner Dermatologische Demonstration 2016 – 19. März 2016
  11. Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infection After Erysipelas
  12. Soft tissue fillers as non-specific modulators of adipogenesis: change of the paradigm?
  13. Fillers for the improvement in acne scars
  14. Facial rejuvenation starts in the midface: three-dimensional volumetric facial rejuvenation has beneficial effects on nontreated neighboring esthetic units
  15. Dresdner Dermatologische Demonstration 2015 – zugleich Tagung der Sächsischen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft am 21. März 2015
  16. Oral submucous fibrosis: an update
  17. ATX-101 for reduction of submental fat
  18. Chronic Expanding Organized Hematoma of the Lower Leg
  19. Water pipe smoking and dermatologic consequences
  20. Burning feet in polycythemia vera – peripheral sensorimotor axonal neuropathy with erythromelalgia
  21. Bariatric surgery - a dermatologic perspective
  22. Severe unexpected adverse effects after permanent eye makeup and their management by Q-switched Nd:YAG laser
  23. Atypical fibroxanthoma: A series of 56 tumors and an unexplained uneven distribution of cases in southeast Germany
  24. Pyoderma gangrenosum: pathogenetic oriented treatment approaches
  25. Bacterial antigens and molecular mimicry: the bridging common problematic link in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis and sarcoid-like reactions: Isn’t it time to wake up?
  26. Dresdner Dermatologische Demonstration 2014 – zugleich Tagung der Sächsischen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft am 15. März 2014
  27. Cancer, Infection and Disturbances of The Integrity of Tissue Homeostasis: The Most Significant Triggers for Molecular Mimicry and Autoimmunity in Dermatology?
  28. Chlorhexidine allergy
  29. Pathways of Tumor development and progression in Drug-induced Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer: a New Hope or the Next Great Confusion?
  30. Penile tumours: a review
  31. Sarcoidosis vs. Sarcoid-like reactions: The Two Sides of the same Coin?
  32. Update of cetuximab for non-melanoma skin cancer
  33. Treatment of elderly patients with advanced lipedema: a combination of laser-assisted liposuction, medial thigh lift, and lower partial abdominoplasty
  34. Infantile perianal pyramidal protrusion with coexisting perineal and perianal hemangiomas: a fortuitous association or incomplete PELVIS syndrome?
  35. Aquagenic keratoderma. Two new case reports and a new hypothesis
  36. Basal cell carcinoma of the outer nose: Overview on surgical techniques and analysis of 312 patients
  37. Dermal fillers: Facts and controversies
  38. Anorectal malignant melanoma in a hemorrhoidal nodule: a diagnostic and therapeutic problem
  39. Das geschwollene Bein
  40. Das schmerzhafte Bein
  41. Erregerspektrum des chronischen Ulcus cruris: Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen Untersuchung dermatologischer Wundzentren im regionalen Vergleich
  42. Temporary renal insufficiency associated with topical tacrolimus treatment of multilocal pyoderma gangrenosum
  43. Das verfärbte Bein
  44. Associated factors and comorbidities in patients with pyoderma gangrenosum in Germany: a retrospective multicentric analysis in 259 patients
  45. Ulcus cruris
  46. Perioral rejuvenation: restoration of attractiveness in aging females by minimally invasive procedures
  47. Tinea atypica: report of nine cases
  48. Bacteriological pathogen spectrum of chronic leg ulcers: Results of a multicenter trial in dermatologic wound care centers differentiated by regions
  49. Skin cancer treatment options: new horizons and promises for the future
  50. A 10‐year analysis of cutaneous mesenchymal tumors (sarcomas and related entities) in a skin cancer center
  51. Erosive pustular dermatosis (chronic atrophic dermatosis of the scalp and extremities)
  52. Nevus lipomatosus superficialis (Hoffmann-Zurhelle). Three new cases including one with ulceration and one with ipsilateral gluteal hypertrophy.
  53. Merkelzellkarzinom: eine Überprüfung und Aktualisierung über die Pathogenese, Diagnose und Therapieansätze
  54. Malignant melanoma: epidemiologic aspects, diagnostic and therapeutic approach
  55. Nevus Comedonicus: An Updated Review
  56. Dresdner Dermatologische Demonstration 2013 - zugleich Tagung der Sächsischen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft am 9. März 2013
  57. Skin-protective effects of a zinc oxide-functionalized textile and its relevance for atopic dermatitis
  58. Subungual acrolentiginous amelanotic melanoma treated with amputation of the distal and middle phalanges
  59. Advanced basal cell carcinoma
  60. Zur Problematik der akuten Berylliose
  61. Side effects in aesthetic medicine
  62. A 10‐year analysis of primary cutaneous malignant melanoma with sentinel lymph node biopsy and long‐term follow‐up
  63. Atypical fibroxanthoma—a diagnosis of exclusion!
  64. Update on cutaneous calciphylaxis
  65. Extensive invasive extramammary Paget′s disease: Surgical treatment
  66. Acne inversa (Hidradenitis suppurativa): A review with a focus on pathogenesis and treatment
  67. Herpes zoster in pregnancy leading to keloids and post herpetic neuralgia: A double whammy?
  68. Reconstruction of medial lower lip defects after tumour surgery: Modified staircase technique
  69. Accidental PUVA burns, vitiligo and atopic diathesis resulting in prurigo nodularis: a logical but undocumented rarity
  70. Segmental leukocytoclastic vasculitis in herpes zoster
  71. Dermatology in the Intensive Care Unit
  72. Novel therapies developed for the treatment of leg ulcers: focus on physical therapies
  73. Condyloma-like squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva: report of two midline cases
  74. Cutaneous T cell lymphoma: update on treatment
  75. Pityriasis rubra pilaris
  76. Dresdner Dermatologische Demonstration 2012
  77. Classification of vascular disorders in the skin and selected data on new evaluation and treatment
  78. Climate change and skin disease: a review of the English‐language literature
  79. Cetuximab in non-melanoma skin cancer
  80. Treatment of multiple scrotal cysts with a 910-nm short-pulsed diode laser
  81. Sarcoidosis and molecular mimicry—important etiopathogenetic aspects: current state and future directions
  82. Minimally invasive procedures
  83. The Use of Biophysical Technologies in Chronic Wound Management
  84. Progressive symmetric erythrokeratodermia with delayed intellectual milestones and convulsions
  85. Severe adverse events related to tattooing: An retrospective analysis of 11 years
  86. Subungual vascular malformation with unusual presentation
  87. Management of Severe Anogenital Acne Inversa (Hidradenitis Suppurativa)
  88. Hazard rates for recurrent and secondary cutaneous melanoma: An analysis of 33,384 patients in the German Central Malignant Melanoma Registry
  89. Giant epithelial malignancies (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma): A series of 20 tumors from a single center
  90. Surgical therapy by sandwich transplantation using a dermal collagen-elastin matrix and full thickness split grafts and gait rehabilitation with individualized orthesis
  91. Combined cetuximab and volumetric modulated arc-radiotherapy in advanced recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp
  92. Improving wound score classification with limited remission spectra
  93. Chronic disseminated discoid lupus erythematosus with linear lesions following Blaschko's lines on forearm and hand
  94. Red scrotum syndrome
  95. Targeted 307 nm UVB‐phototherapy in psoriasis. A pilot study comparing a 307 nm excimer light with topical dithranol
  96. Rejuvenation of the hand using capryloyl acid peels
  97. Nodular skin reactions in eyebrow permanent makeup: two case reports and an infection by Mycobacterium haemophilum
  98. Looking through the cracks of diabetic candidal balanoposthitis!
  99. Minimally invasive esthetic procedures of the male breast
  100. Use of a collagen–elastin matrix for hard to treat soft tissue defects
  101. Impact of digital dermoscopy analysis on the decision to follow up or to excise a pigmented skin lesion: a multicentre study
  102. Minimally invasive aesthetic procedures in young adults
  103. Pyoderma gangraenosum
  104. Rosacea and rhinophyma in the elderly
  105. Treatment of facial skin laxity by a new monopolar radiofrequency device
  106. One-stage reconstruction of soft tissue defects with the sandwich technique: Collagen-elastin dermal template and skin grafts
  107. How to correct frontal facialis palsy after radical tumour surgery: Upper blepharoplasty and direct brow lift
  108. Effects of low-frequency ultrasound on microcirculation in venous leg ulcers
  109. Evaluation of tissue tightening by the subdermal Nd: Yag laser-assisted liposuction versus liposuction alone
  110. Mechanical skin irritations due to textiles
  111. Multiple eruptive periungual pyogenic granulomas during anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy for rheumatoid arthritis
  112. Acne Keloidalis Nuchae
  113. Kutane Kalziphylaxie
  114. Perineal Groove-A Case Report
  115. Pompholyx
  116. Facial rejuvenation for middle-aged women: a combined approach with minimally invasive procedures
  117. High-risk basal cell carcinoma: an update
  118. Pityriasis rubra pilaris – eine retrospektive monozentrische Analyse über acht Jahre
  119. Psoriatic arthritis
  120. Bilateral Milia En Plaque of the Eyelids: Long Eyelashes and Unibrow—Case Report and Review of Literature
  121. Pityriasis rubra pilaris - a retrospective single center analysis over eight years
  122. Aging well – the role of minimally invasive aesthetic dermatological procedures in women over 65
  123. Fibromyxoid sarcoma of the leg
  124. Elevation of the corner of the mouth using Botulinum toxin type A
  125. Ablative erbium:YAG laser treatment of idiopathic chronic inflammatory non-cicatricial balanoposthitis (Zoon's disease) – A series of 20 patients with long-term outcome
  126. Berufsbedingter Hautkrebs durch Lichtbogenschweißen
  127. Vulvar vestibular papillomatosis
  128. Gray hair, dark brows, and diabetes – possibly a NOTCH story
  129. Hyaluronidase in the correction of hyaluronic acid‐based fillers: a review and a recommendation for use
  130. Painful, slow developing abscesses. Furuncular miyasis due to double skin infestation by Dermatobia hominis
  131. Lipoma treatment with a subdermal Nd:YAG laser technique
  132. Rosacea and rhinophyma: not curse of the Celts but Indo Eurasians
  133. Addiction to Tanning - A New Cause of Early Onset of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer
  134. Pompholyx or dyshidrosis
  135. Lectin-Binding Sites in Normal Human Testis/Lektinbindungsstellen normaler humaner Hoden
  136. Testicular Lectinhistochemistry in the Sertoli-Cell-Only-Syndrome/Testikuläre Lectinhistochemie beim Sertolizell-Syndrom
  137. Herpes zoster - associated erythema multiforme
  138. Dystrophic Calcification in Chronic Leg Ulcers—A Clinicopathologic Study
  139. Peat: A natural source for dermatocosmetics and dermatotherapeutics
  140. Fixed drug eruption followed by lichen aureus during abatacept add-on therapy of rheumatoid arthritis
  141. Erfolgreiche Posaconazol‐Behandlung einer rezidivierenden disseminierten Kokzidioidomykose mit kutaner Manifestation
  142. Successful treatment of relapsing disseminated coccidioidomycosis with cutaneous involvement with posaconazole
  143. Late complication after tropic storm accident: subcutaneous and intracranial actinomycetoma
  144. Callosities of cross legged sitting: “Yoga sign”– an under‐recognized cultural cutaneous presentation
  145. Isolated plexiform schwannoma of the hand
  146. Subdermal Nd-YAG Laser for Axillary Hyperhidrosis
  147. Pompholyx: what's new?
  148. Granulomatous tattoo reaction and erythema nodosum in a young woman: common cause or coincidence?
  149. Tumescent Suction Curettage versus Minimal Skin Resection with Subcutaneous Curettage of Sweat Glands in Axillary Hyperhidrosis
  150. Tumescent Suction Curettage versus Minimal Skin Resection with Subcutaneous Curettage of Sweat Glands in Axillary Hyperhidrosis
  151. Dressing‐related pain in patients with chronic wounds: an international patient perspective
  152. Behandlung der Analfissur mit Botulinumtoxin
  153. Rituximab Therapy of Recalcitrant Bullous Dermatoses
  154. Esthetic and cosmetic dermatology
  155. Twenty-first century lifestyle and dermatology
  156. Pharmacological sphincterotomy for chronic anal fissures by botulinum toxin A
  157. Botulinum toxin: Non-cosmetic indications and possible mechanisms of action
  158. The hospital as a work of art: one hundred thirty years of dermatology in Dresden-Friedrichstadt
  159. Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Inhibitor-Induced Psoriasis or Psoriasiform Exanthemata
  160. Disabling pansclerotic morphea of childhood
  161. Receptors of Eccrine, Apocrine, and Holocrine Skin Glands
  162. Tattoos: surgical removal
  163. Up‐regulation of δ‐opioid receptors and κ‐opioid receptors in the skin of fibromyalgia patients
  164. Pyoderma gangrenosum – a review
  165. Fluorescence–remission sensoring of skin tumours: preliminary results
  166. Posttranslational Modifications of Transthyretin Are Serum Markers in Patients with Mycosis Fungoides
  167. Digital dermoscopy in clinical practise: a three‐centre analysis
  168. The Role of Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors for Skin Diseases Other Than Atopic Dermatitis
  169. Topical pimecrolimus for skin disease other than atopic dermatitis
  170. Therapeutic ultrasound for pressure ulcers
  171. The spectrum ofWRNmutations in Werner syndrome patients
  172. Erbium-YAG-laser treatment of Balanoposthitis chronica circumscripta benigna plasmacellularis Zoon
  173. Glabellar pomade crust mimicking dyskeratosis follicularis
  174. Leprosy: Two case reports from Dresden, Germany
  175. Identification of HNP3 as a tumour marker in CD4+ and CD4− lymphocytes of patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
  176. Skin Physiology and Textiles – Consideration of Basic Interactions
  177. Botulinum toxin in dermatology – beyond wrinkles and sweat
  178. Cutaneous infections due to opportunistic molds: uncommon presentations
  179. Maggot therapy in the treatment of wounds of exposed knee prostheses
  180. Lupus erythematosus: uncommon presentations
  181. Cutaneous manifestations of metabolic diseases: uncommon presentations
  182. Schwarzbraunfarbung der Nagel bei Polycythaemia vera. Hydroxyurea-induced melanonychia
  183. Therapy of porphyria cutanea tarda
  184. Managing Adverse Events Associated with Botulinum Toxin Type A
  185. Oral capecitabine plus subcutaneous interferon alpha in advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the skin
  186. Antientzündliche Wirkungen von Dexpanthenol
  187. Ulcerated Necrobiosis Lipoidica: A Combined Treatment Approach with Dermatosurgery and PUVA
  188. Job's syndrome – a case report
  189. Vis-NIR spectroscopic and clinical evaluations of the response of spider leg veins to a high-powered pulsed-diode-laser (810 nm) therapy
  190. Multicenter study of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in patients with cutaneous T‐cell lymphoma
  191. An autologous epidermal equivalent tissue‐engineered from follicular outer root sheath keratinocytes is as effective as split‐thickness skin autograft in recalcitrant vascular leg ulcers
  192. Hemochromatosis (HFE) Gene Mutations and Response to Chloroquine in Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
  193. Expression of Keratin K2e in Cutaneous and Oral Lesions
  194. Er:YAG laser followed by topical podophyllotoxin for hard‐to‐treat palmoplantar warts
  195. Vis-NIR spectroscopic and clinical evaluations of the response of spider leg veins to a high-powered, pulsed diode laser (810 nm) therapy
  196. Gentamicin‐induced anaphylaxis
  197. Contact Sensitization in Patients with Leg Ulcers and/or Leg Eczema: Comparison between Centers
  198. Orale und extraorale Erkrankungen durch Betelkauen
  199. Biosurgery supports granulation and debridement in chronic wounds – clinical data and remittance spectroscopy measurement
  200. Extramammary Paget Disease of the Axilla Associated With Comedo-like Apocrine Carcinoma In Situ
  201. Optical tomography of human skin with subcellular spatial and picosecond time resolution using intense near infrared femtosecond laser pulses
  202. Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Pansclerotic Morphea of Childhood
  203. Spacer Fabrics – A Potential Tool in the Prevention of Chronic Wounds
  204. Contact Sensitisation to Para-Tertiary Butylphenol Formaldehyde Resin Possibly Due to Glass Wool Exposure
  205. Clinical Management of Pyoderma Gangrenosum
  206. Ulcerative Lichen Planus: A Case Responding to Recombinant Platelet-derived Growth Factor BB and Immunosuppression
  207. Serum matrix metalloproteinase-2 in patients with malignant melanoma
  208. Serologische Tumormarker beim malignen Melanom
  209. Angiosarcoma of the scalp: treatment with liposomal doxorubicin and radiotherapy
  210. Contact-Free Spectroscopy of Leg Ulcers: Principle, Technique, and Calculation of Spectroscopic Wound Scores
  211. Pseudoainhum of all fingers associated with Reynolds' syndrome and breast cancer: Report of a case and review of the literature
  212. Treatment of stage II cutaneous T-cell lymphoma with interferon alfa-2a and extracorporeal photochemotherapy: A prospective controlled trial
  213. Calculation of nail plate and nail matrix parameters by 20 MHz ultrasound in healthy volunteers and patients with skin disease
  214. Pegylated doxorubicin for primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: a report on ten patients with follow-up
  215. Large B-Cell Lymphoma of the Leg – Complete Remission with Perilesional Interferon Alpha
  216. Intracutaneous botulinum toxin A versus ablative therapy of Hailey-Hailey disease - a case report
  217. Treatment of common warts and actinic keratoses by Er:YAG laser
  218. Adamantiades-Behçet’s Disease: Epidemiology in Germany and in Europe
  219. Noncontacting diffuse VIS-NIR spectroscopy of human skin for evaluation of skin type and time-dependent microcirculation
  220. Therapeutic ultrasound for pressure ulcers
  221. Botulinum Toxin A for Focal Hyperhidrosis in Leg Amputees: A Case Report
  222. Arthritis psoriatica - Zum Spektrum von Haut- und Gelenkbefall
  223. Biosurgery in wound healing – the renaissance of maggot therapy
  224. Treatment of recalcitrant ulcers in pyoderma gangrenosum with mycophenolate mofetil and autologous keratinocyte transplantation on a hyaluronic acid matrix
  225. Lower Relapse Rate of Botulinum Toxin A Therapy for Axillary Hyperhidrosis by Dose Increase
  226. Botulinum A toxin for wrinkles: release from tension headache
  227. Serum protein S100β in patients with malignant melanoma detected by an immunoluminometric assay
  228. Muir-Torre Syndrome – Treatment with Isotretinoin and Interferon Alpha-2a Can Prevent Tumour Development
  229. Treatment of relapsing or recalcitrant cutaneous T-cell lymphoma with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin
  230. Progressive systemische Sklerodermie
  231. Lupus erythematosus–associated red lunula
  232. Extracoporeal photochemotherapy in cutaneous lupus erythematosus
  233. Nagelveränderungen bei rheumatischen Erkrankungen
  234. Analysis of the tumor suppressor gene p16 (INK4A) in microdissected melanoma metastases by sequencing, and microsatellite and methylation screening
  235. Eccrine Sweat Glands: Expression of Transforming Growth Factor-beta and Bone Morphogenetic Protein Type I Receptors and Their Intracellular Signalling Smad Proteins
  236. Cetirizine-induced urticarial reaction
  237. Primary cutaneous marginal center lymphoma - complete remission induced by interferon α2a
  238. Fibromyalgia in Lupus Erythematosus
  239. The response of erythematous rosacea to ondansetron
  240. Remittance spectroscopy mapping of human skin in vivo
  241. Short-Time Extracorporeal Photochemotherapy in the Treatment of Drug-Resistant Autoimmune Bullous Diseases
  242. Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Supports Spontaneous and Induced Migration of Human Keratinocytes and the Colonization of an Artificial Polyurethane Matrixa
  243. Partial regrowth of scalp hair in a patient treated with extracorporeal pholtochemotherapy and interferon α 2a
  244. Recurrent panuveitis. First manifestation of Behçet's syndrome in childhood
  245. Disabling morphoea of childhood-beneficial effect of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy
  246. Extracorporeal photochemotherapy in nodular scleroderma
  247. EIectrical impedance and transepidermal water loss of healthy human skin under different conditions
  248. Denture‐induced local and systemic reactions to acrylate
  249. Subcutaneous Infiltrates Induced by Injection of Mistletoe Extracts (Iscador)
  250. Cutaneous angiosarcoma of the face: Clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of a case resembling rosacea clinically
  251. Genital ulcers in a psoriasis patient using topical tazarotene
  252. SMAD3, SMAD4 and SMAD7 expression during murine hair follicle development and cycling
  253. The use of an ATP bioluminescence assay to quantify of HaCaT cell cytotoxicity
  254. Therapie der Hyperhidrosis mittels Leitungswasseriontophorese
  255. Lymphomatoid papulosis treated with extracorporeal photochemotherapy.
  256. Ecstasy Pimples – A New Facial Dermatosis
  257. A new mutation in the type II hair cortex keratin hHb1 involved in the inherited hair disorder monilethrix
  258. Linkage Studies in Erythrokeratodermias: Fine Mapping, Genetic Heterogeneity, and Analysis of Candidate Genes
  259. Vasoactive intestinal peptide supports induced migration of human keratinocytes and their colonization of an artificial polyurethane matrix
  260. Generalized pustular rash and erythema. Toxic pustuloderma
  261. Mediterranean and immunodeficiency associated Kaposi's sarcoma - Does micromorphology reflect clinical patterns?
  262. Histochemistry of the human hair follicle
  263. Büschelartiges Hämangiom („tufted angioma")
  264. Systemic lupus erythematosus presenting as pyoderma gangrenosum
  265. Neuropeptides and Merkel Cells in Tissue Expansion
  266. Die klassischen „Kollagenosen” - Pathogenese und Therapieansätze
  268. Immunohistochemistry of poroma and porocarcinoma — more than acrosyringeal tumors?
  269. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) supports migration and growth of human keratinocytes on polyurethane foils
  273. Electrophoretic mobilities of keratinocytes from normal skin and psoriatic lesions
  274. Ultraviolet Light-Induced Augmentation of SS-A/Ro
  275. Photobiology of lupus erythematosus
  276. Topical interferon-alpha in psoriasis increases epidermal calmodulin activity
  277. Distribution of glycoconjugates in human skin apperdages
  278. Calmodulin Inhibition by Anthralin
  279. Alterations of epidermal lectin binding sites in acute contact dermatitis*
  280. Immunohistochemical demonstration of cytokeratin 19-positive basal cells in psoriatic plaques
  281. Prednisolone Pulse Therapy for Childhood Systemic Lupus erythematosus with Prominent Dermatomyositis
  282. Nonlinear behaviour of anti-dsDNA antibodies in dilution experiments using ultramicro ELISA
  283. Metabolische und endokrine Erkrankungen