All Stories

  1. Failure of multiple surgical procedures and adjuvant chemotherapy in early-stage steroid-cell ovarian tumor treatment: a case report and literature review
  2. The incidence of occult ovarian neoplasia and cancer in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers after the bilateral prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy (PBSO): A single-center prospective study
  3. Malignant mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis testis: a rare case and review of literature
  4. The Spectrum of FANCM Protein Truncating Variants in European Breast Cancer Cases
  5. Successful treatment of diffuse pulmonary lymphangiomatosis with sirolimus
  6. Primary Pulmonary Meningioma With Rhabdoid Features
  7. Surgical or endoscopic management of malignant colon polyps
  8. Centrosome Linker–induced Tetraploid Segregation Errors Link Rhabdoid Phenotypes and Lethal Colorectal Cancers
  9. Mutational spectrum in a worldwide study of 29,700 families with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations
  10. Cardiac sarcoidosis – Diagnostic challenges due to an unusual clinical presentation
  11. Hibridinė transanalinė ir laparoskopinė TME po TEM dėl netikėto T2 tiesiosios žarnos vėžio
  12. Successful treatment of advanced stage yolk sac tumour of extragonadal origin: a case report and review of literature
  13. P-011Tumor budding is associated with low expression of miRNA-148a and miRNA-625-3p in colorectal cancer
  14. Significance of KRAS, NRAS, BRAF and PIK3CA mutations in metastatic colorectal cancer patients receiving Bevacizumab: a single institution experience
  15. Elective colectomy after colonoscopic polypectomy for unexpected polypoid T1 cancer
  16. Extracavitary primary effusion lymphoma: clinical, morphological, phenotypic and cytogenetic characterization using nuclei enrichment technique
  17. Gastric glomus tumor with prominent polytypic plasmacytosis: case report and review of literature
  18. Comprehensive BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutational profile in Lithuania
  19. Kolektomija po kolonoskopinės piktybinių polipų šalinimo procedūros ir netikėta T1 vėžio histologinė diagnozė
  20. Unique Composite Hematolymphoid Tumor Consisting of a Pro-T Lymphoblastic Lymphoma and an Indeterminate Dendritic Cell Tumor: Evidence for Divergent Common Progenitor Cell Differentiation
  21. Rhabdoid Carcinoma of the Rectum
  22. Unilateral Hydronephrosis and Renal Damage after Acute Leukemia
  23. Ectopic Decidua Presenting With a Sigmoid Bowel Perforation: A Case Report
  24. Apparently “BRCA-Related” Breast and Ovarian Cancer Patient With Germline TP53 Mutation
  25. Favorable outcome with chemo-immunotherapy in Burkitt lymphoma and leukemia
  26. Systemic mastocytosis involving the gastrointestinal tract: clinicopathologic and molecular study of five cases
  27. Aggressive systemic mastocytosis complicated by protein-losing enteropathy
  28. Virškinimo trakto stromos navikų diagnostika Valstybiniame patologijos centre 2003–2004 metais
  29. Gastrointestininės stromos navikai: dabartinis požiūris ir diagnostika
  30. Prostatos urotelio karcinoma, diagnozuota atlikus biopsiją. Klinikinis atvejis ir literatūros apžvalga