All Stories

  1. The Theory-Based View: Economic Actors as Theorists
  2. Creating and Capturing Value in Repeated Exchange Relationships: The Second Paradox of Embeddedness
  3. Organization Design, Proximity, and Productivity Responses to Upward Social Comparison
  4. Alliance governance
  5. The Lemons Problem in Markets for Strategy
  6. CROSSROADS—Strategy, Problems, and a Theory for the Firm
  7. Valve Corporation: Composing Internal Markets
  8. Closed or open innovation? Problem solving and the governance choice
  9. What Is a Relationship Worth? Repeated Exchange and the Development and Deployment of Relational Capital
  10. Capabilities, Transaction Costs, and Firm Boundaries
  11. Organizational Economics of Capability and Heterogeneity
  12. Corporate Strategy, Analyst Coverage, and the Uniqueness Paradox
  13. Sailing into the wind: Exploring the relationships among ambidexterity, vacillation, and organizational performance
  14. The Organizational Economics of Organizational Capability and Heterogeneity: A Research Agenda
  15. Theories of the Firm–Market Boundary
  16. The Small Firm Effect and the Entrepreneurial Spawning of Scientists and Engineers
  17. The knowledge economy: emerging organizational forms, missing microfoundations, and key considerations for managing human capital
  18. Entrepreneurs as theorists: on the origins of collective beliefs and novel strategies
  19. Governing Knowledge Creation: A Problem‐Finding and Problem‐Solving Perspective
  20. Limits to the scale and scope of the firm
  21. Envy, comparison costs, and the economic theory of the firm
  22. Examining the Conditional Limits of Relational Governance: Specialized Assets, Performance Ambiguity, and Long-Standing Ties
  23. Dealing with the Paradox of Embeddedness: The Role of Contracts and Trust in Facilitating Movement Out of Committed Relationships
  24. Opportunity Discovery, Problem Solving and a Theory of the Entrepreneurial Firm
  25. A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm—The Problem-Solving Perspective
  26. Information Intermediaries' Incentives and Corporate Strategy Choices in the US
  27. Compensating for innovation: Do small firms offer high-powered incentives that lure talent and motivate effort?
  28. Being Efficiently Fickle: A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Choice
  29. Crafting Internal Hybrids: Complementarities, Common Change Initiatives, and the Team-Based Organization
  30. Do formal contracts and relational governance function as substitutes or complements?
  31. Testing alternative theories of the firm: transaction cost, knowledge-based, and measurement explanations for make-or-buy decisions in information services
  32. The Disaggregation of Corporations: Selective Intervention, High-Powered Incentives, and Molecular Units
  33. Explaining Organizational Diseconomies of Scale in R&D: Agency Problems and the Allocation of Engineering Talent, Ideas, and Effort by Firm Size
  34. Crossroads—The Myth of a Monolithic Economics: Fundamental Assumptions and the Use of Economic Models in Policy and Strategy Research
  35. Why Do Employers Only Reward Extreme Performance? Examining the Relationships Among Performance, Pay, and Turnover
  36. Organizational Economics: An Impending Revolution in Organization Theory?
  37. Moving Out of Committed Relationships
  38. agency problems
  39. Dynamics of organizational structure
  40. The Lemons Problem in Markets for Strategy
  41. The Determinants of Incentive Intensity in Group-based Rewards
  42. Being Efficiently Fickle: A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Choice
  43. Incentives, Social Comparison Costs, and the Proximity of Envy's Object
  44. A Knowledge-based Theory of the Firm - A Problem-solving Perspective
  45. Corporate Strategy, Analyst Coverage, and the Uniqueness Paradox
  46. Informal and formal organization in new institutional economics
  47. Corporate Strategy, Analyst Coverage, and the Uniqueness Paradox
  48. A Knowledge-based Theory of the Firm - A Problem-solving Perspective
  49. Substitutes or Complements? Exploring the Relationship between Formal Contracts and Relational Governance
  50. Order with Some Law: Complementarity vs. Substitution of Formal and Informal Arrangements
  51. Informal and Formal Organization in New Institutional Economics
  52. Envy, Comparison Costs, and the Economic Theory of the Firm
  53. Capabilities, Transaction Costs, and Firm Boundaries: A Dynamic Perspective and Integration
  54. Opportunity Discovery, Problem Solving and the Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm
  55. The Small Firm Effect and the Entrepreneurial Spawning of Scientists and Engineers
  56. Information Aggregation, Matching and Radical Market-Hierarchy Hybrids: Implications for the Theory of the Firm
  57. Open Innovation, Problem Solving, and the Theory of the (Innovative) Firm
  58. Do Investors Value Uniqueness in Corporate Strategy? Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions
  59. The Distribution of Value in Relationships: Bargaining Over Relational Capital
  60. Capabilities, Transaction Costs and Firm Boundaries: A Dynamic Perspective and Integration
  61. The Economics of Relational (Social) Capital: Exploring the Value of Exchange Relationships in Industrial Procurement
  62. Network Prominence, Bargaining Power, and the Allocation of Value Capture Rights in Alliance Contracts