All Stories

  1. From the sociology of the (military) profession to the sociology of (security) expertise: the case of European national defence universities
  2. Rethinking strategic culture: A computational (social science) discursive-institutionalist approach
  3. Explaining the security paradigm shift: strategic culture, epistemic communities, and Israel’s changing national security policy
  4. European Military Culture and Security Governance
  5. Between military–society and religion–military relations: different aspects of the growing religiosity in the Israeli defense forces
  6. Looking for meaning: lessons from Mossad’s failed adaptation to the post-Cold War era, 1991–2013
  7. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the Israel Defense Forces
  8. Divine service? Judaism and Israel's armed forces
  9. From the people's army to the Jewish people's army: the IDF's force structure between professionalization and militarization
  10. Hostage of foreign interests: German intelligence involvement in Arab-Israeli hostage deals, 1980–2010
  11. IDF Operational-Level Doctrine and Education During the 1990s
  12. The New Citizen Armies