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  1. Temporal Variability of the Overturning Circulation in the Arctic Ocean and the Associated Heat and Freshwater Transports during 2004–10
  2. Recent variations in oceanic transports across the Greenland–Scotland Ridge
  3. Copernicus Ocean State Report, issue 6
  4. Arctic Ocean Boundary Exchanges: A Review
  5. Increased ocean heat transport into the Nordic Seas and Arctic Ocean over the period 1993–2016
  6. An Improved Estimate of the Coupled Arctic Energy Budget
  7. Arctic freshwater fluxes: sources, tracer budgets and inconsistencies
  8. The Arctic Ocean Seasonal Cycles of Heat and Freshwater Fluxes: Observation-Based Inverse Estimates
  9. Volume and temperature transports through the main Arctic Gateways: A comparative study between an ocean reanalysis and mooring-derived data
  10. Comparison Study of Subtropical Mode Waters in the World Ocean
  11. Relevance of dissolved organic nutrients for the Arctic Ocean nutrient budget
  12. The Arctic Ocean carbon sink
  13. Assembling an Arctic Ocean Boundary Monitoring Array
  14. Export of nutrients from the Arctic Ocean
  15. The Arctic Ocean in summer: A quasi‐synoptic inverse estimate of boundary fluxes and water mass transformation
  16. Water mass pathways and transports over the South Scotia Ridge west of 50°W
  17. Indian Ocean Subtropical Mode Water: its water characteristics and spatial distribution
  18. Three Types of South Pacific Subtropical Mode Waters: Their Relation to the Large-Scale Circulation of the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre and Their Temporal Variability