All Stories

  1. Potential glycemic overtreatment in patients ≥75 years with type 2 diabetes mellitus and renal disease: experience from the observational OREDIA study
  2. Hypoglycemia hospitalization frequency in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a comparison of dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors and insulin secretagogues using the French health insurance database
  3. Physical activity in patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension – insights into motivations and barriers from the MOBILE study
  4. “Mild dysglycemia” in type 2 diabetes: to be neglected or not?
  5. The dawn phenomenon in type 2 diabetes: How to assess it in clinical practice?
  6. Higher Risk of Hypoglycemia with Glimepiride Versus Vildagliptin in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes is not Driven by High Doses of Glimepiride: Divergent Patient Susceptibilities?
  7. Response to Comment on Monnier et al. Magnitude of the Dawn Phenomenon and Its Impact on the Overall Glucose Exposure in Type 2 Diabetes: Is This of Concern? Diabetes Care 2013;36:4057–4062
  8. How are patients with type 2 diabetes and renal disease monitored and managed? Insights from the observational OREDIA study
  9. Residual dysglycemia when at target HbA1c of 7% (53mmol/mol) in persons with type 2 diabetes
  10. Use of Vildagliptin in Management of Type 2 Diabetes: Effectiveness, Treatment Persistence and Safety from the 2-Year Real-Life VILDA Study
  11. Experience with DPP-4 inhibitors in the management of patients with type 2 diabetes fasting during Ramadan
  12. Results of the Post-Marketing Survey of Vildagliptin in France
  13. Magnitude of the Dawn Phenomenon and Its Impact on the Overall Glucose Exposure in Type 2 Diabetes: Is this of concern?
  14. Modalités de dépistage de la maladie rénale chronique dans une cohorte française de patients diabétiques de type 2 : étude OréDia
  15. Prise en charge thérapeutique globale de patients diabétiques de type 2 avec ou sans maladie rénale chronique : étude OréDia
  16. Comment sont pris en charge en France en 2012 les patients diabétiques de type 2 avec maladie rénale chronique ? Étude OreDia
  17. Experience with Vildagliptin in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Fasting During Ramadan in France: Insights from the VERDI Study
  18. Experience with Vildagliptin in Patients ≥75 Years with Type 2 Diabetes and Moderate or Severe Renal Impairment
  19. Combination Therapy With DPP-4 Inhibitors and Insulin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: What Is the Evidence?
  20. P1053 Impact du phénomène de l’aube sur l’exposition au glucose dans le diabète de type 2
  21. Add-On Therapies to Metformin in Type 2 Diabetes: What Modulates the Respective Decrements in Postprandial and Basal Glucose?
  22. Impact of Insulin Resistance, Body Mass Index, Disease Duration, and Duration of Metformin Use on the Efficacy of Vildagliptin
  23. Evidence to support the use of vildagliptin monotherapy in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus
  24. Incretin Therapies in the Management of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Renal Impairment
  25. P90 Critères de choix d’une bithérapie dans une population diabétique âgée traitée par metformine : étude HYPOCRAS, données d’inclusion.
  26. Mechanisms of action of the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor vildagliptin in humans
  27. Exercise in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: What are the Benefits and how does it Work?
  28. Minimizing the risk of hypoglycemia with vildagliptin: Clinical experience, mechanistic basis, and importance in type 2 diabetes management
  29. Assessing the general safety and tolerability of vildagliptin: value of pooled analyses from a large safety database versus evaluation of individual studies
  30. Incretin Therapies in the Management of Elderly Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  31. GLP-1: What is known, new and controversial in 2010?
  32. Role of vildagliptin in managing type 2 diabetes mellitus in the elderly
  33. Comparison of vildagliptin and metformin monotherapy in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes: a 24-week, double-blind, randomized trial
  34. Vildagliptin Enhances Islet Responsiveness to Both Hyper- and Hypoglycemia in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
  35. O30 Vildagliptine améliore la sensibilité au glucose des cellules chez les patients diabétiques de type 2 : réponse du glucagon à l’hypoglycémie
  36. Association gliptines et sulfamides hypoglycémiants
  37. Association between a frequent allele of the gene encoding OATP1B1 and enhanced LDL-lowering response to fluvastatin therapy
  38. P74 La vildagliptine est efficace et bien tolérée lorsqu’elle est ajoutée à un sulfamide hypoglycémiant chez des patients diabétiques de type 2
  39. O5 La vildagliptine améliore la fonction cellulaire chez des patients diabétiques de type 2 : analyse des données poolées en monothérapie
  40. O6 Efficacité et tolérance de la vildagliptine chez le sujet âgé : analyse poolée des études menées en monothérapie
  41. Efficacy and tolerability of vildagliptin monotherapy in drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes
  42. Addition of vildagliptin to insulin improves glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes
  43. Vildagliptin in Drug-naïve Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A 24-Week, Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Multiple-dose Study
  44. Comparison of Vildagliptin and Rosiglitazone Monotherapy in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A 24-week, double-blind, randomized trial
  45. Diabè;te insipide central
  46. Mild to Moderate Muscular Symptoms with High-Dosage Statin Therapy in Hyperlipidemic Patients —The PRIMO Study
  47. Comparison of Efficacy and Safety Assessment of Fluvastatin in Patients <65 Years Versus ≥65 Years of Age
  48. W05-O-001 Genetic polymorphism in the organic anion transporter polypeptide-C gene: A determinant factor in statin response?
  49. Étude pacifique : postangioplastie coronaire en France et intervention thérapeutique
  50. Effects of baseline level of triglycerides on changes in lipid levels from combined fluvastatin + fibrate (bezafibrate, fenofibrate, or gemfibrozil)
  51. A Comprehensive Description of Muscle Symptoms Associated with Lipid-Lowering Drugs
  52. Short-Term Efficacy and Safety of Extended-Release Fluvastatin in a Large Cohort of Elderly Patients
  53. Short‐Term Efficacy and Safety of Extended‐Release Fluvastatin in a Large Cohort of Elderly Patients
  54. 2P-0578 Combination of fluvastatin and fibrates: Effects of baseline triglycerides on changes in lipid profile
  55. A Comprehensive Endocrine Description of Kennedy's Disease Revealing Androgen Insensitivity Linked to CAG Repeat Length
  56. Diabetes ins?pida central
  57. Effect of combined fluvastatin-fenofibrate therapy compared with fenofibrate monotherapy in severe primary hypercholesterolemia
  58. Relationship between Triglycerides and Factor VIIc and Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type-1
  59. Sheehan's syndrome: differential diagnosis in the acute phase
  60. Pharmacologic modulation of the atherogenic LDL profile in dyslipidemia
  61. Dominant negative mutations of the scavenger receptor. Native receptor inactivation by expression of truncated variants.
  62. Ciprofibrate therapy normalises the atherogenic low-density lipoprotein subspecies profile in combined hyperlipidemia
  63. Oxidized low density lipoproteins bind to the scavenger receptor expressed by rabbit smooth muscle cells and macrophages
  64. Further characterization of the acetyl LDL (scavenger) receptor expressed by rabbit smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts
  65. The Muir-Torre Syndrome: A Disease of Sebaceous and Colonic Neoplasms