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  1. Les Voyages de Charles Morin, charpentier canadien-français. Texte établi par France Martineau en collaboration avec Virgil Benoit. Yves Frenette
  2. Book Reviews
  3. Horrible Mothers in Mémère’s Kitchen
  4. Véronique Lane. French Genealogy of the Beat Generation: Burroughs, Ginsberg and Kerouac’s Appropriations of Modern Literature, from Rimbaud to Michaux. Bloomsbury, 2017.
  5. Jack Kerouac’s French, American, and Quebecois Receptions: From Deterritorialization to Reterritorialization
  6. Hassan Melehy. Kerouac: Language, Poetics, and Territory. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.
  7. La langue est gardienne: Language and Identity in Franco-American Literature
  8. "The Innocent Victim: A Franco-American Civil War Novel." ed. by Adélard Lambert
  9. The Importance of the Literary
  10. Jack Kerouac : l’écriture et l’identité franco-américaine
  11. Franco-American Studies in the Footsteps of Robert G. LeBlanc