All Stories

  1. Selecting the Motion Ground Truth for Loose-fitting Wearables: Benchmarking Optical MoCap Methods
  2. CaptAinGlove: Capacitive and Inertial Fusion-Based Glove for Real-Time on Edge Hand Gesture Recognition for Drone Control
  3. Unsupervised Diffusion Model for Sensor-based Human Activity Recognition
  4. FaceEat: Facial and Eating Activities Recognition with Inertial and Mechanomyography Fusion using a Glasses-Based Design for Real-Time and on-the-Edge Inference
  5. Solving the Sensor-based Activity Recognition Problem (SOAR): Self-supervised, Multi-modal Recognition of Activities from Wearable Sensors
  6. MoCaPose
  7. Learning from the Best: Contrastive Representations Learning Across Sensor Locations for Wearable Activity Recognition
  8. Smart-Badge: A wearable badge with multi-modal sensors for kitchen activity recognition
  9. Quali-Mat
  10. MoCapaci: Posture and gesture detection in loose garments using textile cables as capacitive antennas