All Stories

  1. Optimizing bacterial DNA extraction in urine
  2. Metabolic Signatures of Bacterial Vaginosis
  3. Mageeibacillus indolicus gen. nov., sp. nov.: A novel bacterium isolated from the female genital tract
  4. Rapid and Profound Shifts in the Vaginal Microbiota Following Antibiotic Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis
  5. Dynamic and Divergent Bacterial Species Similar to Bacterial Vaginosis Prior to SIV in Pigtail Macaques
  6. More Than Meets the Eye: Associations of Vaginal Bacteria with Gram Stain Morphotypes Using Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis
  7. O05.3 More Than Meets the Eye: A Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis Reveals Importance of Novel Bacteria in Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
  8. Bacterial Communities in Women with Bacterial Vaginosis: High Resolution Phylogenetic Analyses Reveal Relationships of Microbiota to Clinical Criteria
  9. Extravaginal Reservoirs of Vaginal Bacteria as Risk Factors for Incident Bacterial Vaginosis
  10. Temporal Variability of Human Vaginal Bacteria and Relationship with Bacterial Vaginosis
  11. The Human Vaginal Bacterial Biota and Bacterial Vaginosis
  12. Analysis of nitrite reductase (nirK and nirS) genes and cultivation reveal depauperate community of denitrifying bacteria in the Black Sea suboxic zone
  13. Diversity and Distribution of Planctomycetes and Related Bacteria in the Suboxic Zone of the Black Sea
  14. Signal-mediated cross-talk regulates stress adaptation in Vibrio species
  15. A New Metabolite from the Marine Bacterium Vibrio a ngustum S14
  16. The tricarboxylic acid cycle of Helicobacter pylori
  17. Cycles of famine and feast: the starvation and outgrowth strategies of a marineVibrio