All Stories

  1. Linezolid in the treatment of periprosthetic joint infection caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci
  2. Hydroxyapatite coating does not improve uncemented stem survival after total hip arthroplasty!
  3. Prevention of Late PJI
  4. Bone loss around a stable, partly threaded hydroxyapatite-coated cup: a prospective cohort study using RSA and DXA
  5. Consensus document on prosthetic joint infections
  6. A prospective cohort study on the short collum femoris-preserving (CFP) stem using RSA and DXA
  7. Effects of hydroxyapatite coating of cups used in hip revision arthroplasty
  8. Effects of hydroxyapatite coating on survival of an uncemented femoral stem
  9. Increased risk of revision of acetabular cups coated with hydroxyapatite
  10. Avascular necrosis and subsequent femoral neck fracture 3.5 years after hip resurfacing: a highly unusual late complication in the absence of risk factors—a case report