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  1. Flow pathways and nutrient transport mechanisms drive hydrochemical sensitivity to climate change across catchments with different geology and topography
  2. Hydrological footprints of urban developments in the Lake Simcoe watershed, Canada: a combined paired-catchment and change detection modelling approach
  3. Effect of Climate Change on Soil Temperature in Swedish Boreal Forests
  4. Cross-scale ensemble projections of dissolved organic carbon dynamics in boreal forest streams
  5. Uncertainty assessments and hydrological implications of climate change in two adjacent agricultural catchments of a rapidly urbanizing watershed
  6. PERSiST: a flexible rainfall-runoff modelling toolkit for use with the INCA family of models
  7. Long-term patterns in dissolved organic carbon, major elements and trace metals in boreal headwater catchments: trends, mechanisms and heterogeneity
  8. Modelling phosphorus in Lake Simcoe and its subcatchments: scenario analysis to assess alternative management strategies
  9. Phosphorus dynamics across intensively monitored subcatchments in the Beaver River
  10. Impacts of climate change on hydrology and water quality: Future proofing management strategies in the Lake Simcoe watershed, Canada
  11. Adjacent catchments with similar patterns of land use and climate have markedly different dissolved organic carbon concentration and runoff dynamics
  12. Modelling the long term impact of climate change on the carbon budget of Lake Simcoe, Ontario using INCA-C
  13. Dynamic Modelling of the Impact of Climate Change and Power Flow Management Options using STELLA: Application to the Steephill Falls Reservoir, Ontario, Canada
  14. Modelling phosphorus dynamics in multi-branch river systems: A study of the Black River, Lake Simcoe, Ontario, Canada
  15. Landscape-scale control of carbon budget of Lake Simcoe: A process-based modelling approach