All Stories

  1. Democratic Innovation in the Scottish Parliament: An Evaluation of Committee Mini-Publics
  2. The Scope of Climate Assemblies: Lessons from the Climate Assembly UK
  3. The Importance of Context and the Effect of Information and Deliberation on Opinion Change Regarding Environmental Issues in Citizens’ Juries
  4. The Resilience of Pandemic Digital Deliberation: An Analysis of Online Synchronous Forums
  5. Engagement and Participation
  6. Coronavirus and Representative Democracy
  7. Why the public need a say in how patient data are Used for Covid-19 Responses
  8. Deliberative Systems in Theory and Practice
  9. The fourth generation of deliberative democracy
  10. Defining and typologising democratic innovations
  11. Handbook of Democratic Innovation and Governance
  12. Introduction to the Handbook of Democratic Innovation and Governance: the field of democratic innovation
  13. Deliberation in televised election debates in Europe
  14. Between Diversity, Representation and ‘Best Evidence’: Rethinking Select Committee Evidence-Gathering Practices
  15. Editors’ Introduction
  16. A Genealogy of Deliberative Democracy
  17. Democracy in Theory and Practice
  18. Governing modern societies: Towards participatory governance
  20. The Third Generation of Deliberative Democracy
  21. Participation
  22. Towards a Deliberative and Associational Democracy
  23. Introduction
  24. Democratising Secondary Associations
  25. Avoiding the Mischief of Factionalism
  26. Conclusion
  27. A Dualist Model of Deliberative and Associational Democracy
  28. Cultivating Autonomy: The Normative Core of Democracy
  29. Deliberative Democracy and Autonomous Decision-Making
  30. Institutionalising Deliberative Democracy through Secondary Associations
  31. Overcoming Complexity: Institutionalising Deliberative Democracy through Secondary Associations
  32. A double-edged sword: the increasing diversity of deliberative democracy
  33. Mini-publics and Deliberative Constitutionalism