All Stories

  1. Betel quid chewing among adult male immigrants from the Indian subcontinent to Italy
  2. Elder neglect-Oral diseases and injuries
  3. The Chicken–Egg Dilemma: Legionnaires’ Disease and Retrograde Contamination of Dental Unit Waterlines
  4. Viewing humans as molecules to improve accuracy of clinical predictions
  5. Psychological disorders and oral lichen planus: matched case-control study and literature review
  6. Oral cancer screening usefulness: between true and perceived effectiveness
  7. How many individuals must be screened to reduce oral cancer mortality rate in the Western context? A challenge
  8. Are overweight/obese children at risk of traumatic dental injuries? A meta-analysis of observational studies
  9. Over two hundred million injuries to anterior teeth attributable to large overjet: a meta-analysis