All Stories

  1. Tackling disinformation in the UE with “truthster”: technological design and DLT
  2. *-chain: A framework for automating the modeling of blockchain based supply chain tracing systems
  3. A Survey of Steganography Tools at Layers 2-4 and HTTP
  4. Towards a Temporal Probabilistic Argumentation Framework
  5. Towards automated verification of Bitcoin-based decentralised applications
  6. Deriving Dependency Graphs from Abstract Argumentation Frameworks
  7. Introducing a Tool for Concurrent Argumentation
  8. Towards an Implementation of a Concurrent Language for Argumentation
  9. ConArgLib: an argumentation library with support to search strategies and parallel search
  10. Probabilistic abstract argumentation frameworks, a possible world view
  11. Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts and Opcodes
  12. Special issue of the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Track, Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) 2017
  13. End-to-End Voting with Non-Permissioned and Permissioned Ledgers
  14. Special Issue: Selected Papers from AI∧3 2017, the 1st Workshop on Advances in Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence
  15. A Possible World View and a Normal Form for the Constellation Semantics
  16. CapBAC in Hyperledger Sawtooth
  17. Is Arbitrage Possible in the Bitcoin Market? (Work-In-Progress Paper)
  18. Well-Foundedness in Weighted Argumentation Frameworks
  19. A Suite of Tools for the Forensic Analysis of Bitcoin Transactions: Preliminary Report
  20. Probabilistic Argumentation Frameworks with MetaProbLog and ConArg
  21. An Analysis of Non-standard Bitcoin Transactions
  22. Corrigendum
  23. Architecting the Web of Things for the Fog Computing Era
  24. 23rd RCRA International workshop on “Experimental evaluation of algorithms for solving problems with combinatorial explosion”
  25. Message from the Chairs
  26. A novel weighted defence and its relaxation in abstract argumentation
  27. A ConArg-Based Library for Abstract Argumentation
  28. Not only size, but also shape counts: abstract argumentation solvers are benchmark-sensitive
  29. Abstract Argumentation Frameworks to Promote Fairness and Rationality in Multi-experts Multi-criteria Decision Making
  30. On Modeling Multi-experts Multi-criteria Decision-Making Argumentation and Disagreement: Philosophical and Computational Approaches Reconsidered
  31. A community payment scheme for consciousness energy usage
  32. From Argumentation Frameworks to Voting Systems and Back*
  33. A Formal and Run-Time Framework for the Adaptation of Local Behaviours to Match a Global Property
  34. A Hasse Diagram for Weighted Sceptical Semantics with a Unique-Status Grounded Semantics
  35. An end-to-end voting-system based on bitcoin
  36. Go with the -Bitcoin- Flow, with Visual Analytics
  37. PrOnto: an Ontology Driven Business Process Mining Tool
  38. Preface
  39. Theoretical Computer Science in Italy
  40. Automated adaptation via quantitative partial model checking
  41. A Relaxation of Internal Conflict and Defence in Weighted Argumentation Frameworks
  42. A Comparative Test on the Enumeration of Extensions in Abstract Argumentation*
  43. On merging two trust-networks in one with bipolar preferences
  44. Efficient Solution for Credulous/Sceptical Acceptance in Lower-Order Dung's Semantics
  45. An Improved Role-Based Access to Android Applications with JCHR
  46. Two trust networks in one: Using bipolar structures to fuse trust and distrust
  47. Timed soft concurrent constraint programs: An interleaved and a parallel approach
  48. Enumerating Extensions on Random Abstract-AFs with ArgTools, Aspartix, ConArg2, and Dung-O-Matic
  49. A Secure Non-monotonic Soft Concurrent Constraint Language
  50. Interchangeability with thresholds and degradation factors for Soft CSPs
  51. Solving Fuzzy Distributed CSPs: An Approach with Naming Games
  52. Coalitions of Arguments: An Approach with Constraint Programming
  53. Semiring-based constraint models and frameworks for security-related scenarios
  54. A semiring-based framework for the deduction/abduction reasoning in access control with weighted credentials
  55. Evaluation of complex security scenarios using defense trees and economic indexes
  56. Local arc consistency for non-invertible semirings, with an application to multi-objective optimization
  57. Modeling and Solving AFs with a Constraint-Based Tool: ConArg
  58. Securely Accessing Shared Resources with Concurrent Constraint Programming
  59. Negotiation of Weighted RTML Credentials on Mobile Devices
  60. A secure coordination of agents with nonmonotonic soft Concurrent Constraint Programming
  61. Towards a similarity-based web service discovery through soft constraint satisfaction problems
  62. Uncertainty in bipolar preference problems
  63. Solving Fuzzy DCSPs with Naming Games
  64. ConArg: A Constraint-Based Computational Framework for Argumentation Systems
  65. Solving Weighted Argumentation Frameworks with Soft Constraints
  66. Security Protocol Deployment Risk
  67. Finding partitions of arguments with Dung's properties via SCSPs
  68. A Nonmonotonic Soft Concurrent Constraint Language to Model the Negotiation Process
  69. Semiring-based frameworks for trust propagation in small-world networks and coalition formation criteria
  70. Unicast and multicast QoS routing with soft-constraint logic programming
  71. From soft constraints to bipolar preferences: modelling framework and solving issues
  72. Extending Soft Arc Consistency Algorithms to Non-invertible Semirings
  73. A Formal Framework for Trust Policy Negotiation in Autonomic Systems: Abduction with Soft Constraints
  74. Solving Distributed CSPs Probabilistically
  75. Solving finite domain constraint hierarchies by local consistency and tree search
  76. Fairness as a QoS Measure for Web Services
  77. Soft Constraints for Quality Aspects in Service Oriented Architectures
  78. A Nonmonotonic Soft Concurrent Constraint Language for SLA Negotiation
  79. Constraint Based Languages for Biological Reactions
  80. Capturing Fair Computations on Concurrent Constraint Language
  81. C-semiring Frameworks for Minimum Spanning Tree Problems
  82. From Marriages to Coalitions: A Soft CSP Approach
  83. Solving CSPs with Naming Games
  84. Soft Constraints for Dependable Service Oriented Architectures
  85. A Formal and Practical Framework for Constraint-Based Routing
  86. Weighted Datalog and Levels of Trust
  87. Analyzing Security Scenarios Using Defence Trees and Answer Set Programming
  88. Semiring-Based Soft Constraints
  89. Propagating multitrust within trust networks
  90. Modelling Multicast QoS Routing by using Best-Tree Search in And-or Graphs and Soft Constraint Logic Programming
  91. Soft constraint based pattern mining
  92. An Optimization Approach using Soft Constraints for the Cascade Vulnerability Problem
  93. Augmented Risk Analysis
  94. Using CP-nets as a guide for countermeasure selection
  95. An asymmetric fingerprint matching algorithm for Java Card TM
  96. Editorial
  97. Soft concurrent constraint programming
  98. Soft Constraints for Security
  99. Special track editorial
  100. Principles of Secure Network Configuration: Towards a Formal Basis for Self-configuration
  101. Defense trees for economic evaluation of security investments
  102. A soft constraint-based approach to the cascade vulnerability problem
  103. Information Assurance for security protocols
  104. Relating multiset rewriting and process algebras for security protocol analysis
  105. A Protocol’s Life After Attacks...
  106. Biometrics to Enhance Smartcard Security
  107. Editorial
  108. MOC via TOC Using a Mobile Agent Framework
  109. An Asymmetric Fingerprint Matching Algorithm for Java CardTM
  110. Interestingness is Not a Dichotomy: Introducing Softness in Constrained Pattern Mining
  111. Soft constraint programming to analysing security protocols
  112. Soft Constraint Propagation and Solving in Constraint Handling Rules
  113. Semirings for Soft Constraint Solving and Programming
  114. 1. Introduction
  115. 4. SCSP Abstraction
  116. 6. Soft CLP
  117. 9. Interchangeability in Soft CSPs
  118. Tradeoff Generation Using Soft Constraints
  119. Experimental Evaluation of Interchangeability in Soft CSPs
  120. Abstracting Soft Constraints: Some Experimental Results on Fuzzy CSPs
  121. 10. SCSPs for Modelling Attacks to Security Protocols
  122. Confidentiality Levels and Deliberate/Indeliberate Protocol Attacks
  123. 2. Soft Constraint Satisfaction Problems
  124. 3. Towards SCSPs Solutions
  125. 5. Higher Order Semiring-Based Constraints
  126. 7. SCLP and Generalized Shortest Path Problems
  127. 8. Soft Concurrent Constraint Programming
  128. 11. Conclusions and Directions for Future Work
  129. Symmetry Breaking in Soft CSPs
  130. A Theoretical Framework for Tradeoff Generation using Soft Constraints
  131. Modeling and detecting the cascade vulnerability problem using soft constraints
  132. Computer Algebra for Fingerprint Matching
  133. Interchangeability in Soft CSPs
  134. Solving Finite Domain Constraint Hierarchies by Local Consistency and Tree Search
  135. A Constraint Framework for the Qualitative Analysis of Dependability Goals: Integrity
  136. Relating Process Algebras and Multiset Rewriting for Immediate Decryption Protocols
  137. On Representing Biological Systems through Multiset Rewriting
  138. Abstracting soft constraints: Framework, properties, examples
  139. Soft constraint propagation and solving in CHRs
  140. Soft Concurrent Constraint Programming
  141. Soft constraint propagation and solving in CHRs
  142. Interchangeability in Soft CSPs
  143. Soft Constraints for Security Protocol Analysis: Confidentiality
  144. Semiring-based contstraint logic programming: syntax and semantics
  145. An Abstraction Framework for Soft Constraints and Its Relationship with Constraint Propagation
  146. Abstracting Soft Constraints
  147. Constraint Propagation for Soft Constraints: Generalization and Termination Conditions
  148. Labeling and Partial Local Consistency for Soft Constraint Programming
  149. Semiring-based constraint satisfaction and optimization
  150. Semiring-based CSPs and valued CSPs: Basic properties and comparison
  151. SCLP for Trust Propagation in Small-World Networks
  152. A Soft Approach to Multi-objective Optimization
  153. Strategic Games on Defense Trees
  154. Extending the Soft Constraint Based Mining Paradigm
  155. Multilevel Security and Quality of Protection
  156. Timed Soft Concurrent Constraint Programs
  157. A Semantic Foundation for Trust Management Languages with Weights: An Application to the RT Family
  158. Bipolar Preference Problems: Framework, Properties and Solving Techniques
  159. Uncertainty in Bipolar Preference Problems
  160. Constraint Symmetry for the Soft CSP
  161. Answer Set Optimization for and/or Composition of CP-Nets: A Security Scenario
  162. Reasoning about Secure Interoperation Using Soft Constraints
  163. Advancing assurance for secure distributed communications
  164. Encoding partial constraint satisfaction in the semiring-based framework for soft constraints
  165. Analysis of integrity policies using soft constraints
  166. Interchangeability in Soft CSPs