All Stories

  1. Classical Gravity, Equivalence Principle & Kepler's laws
  2. Dynamics of restricted three and four vortices problem on the plane
  3. The motion of point vortices on closed surfaces
  4. Vortices on Closed Surfaces
  5. SIR-Network Model and Its Application to Dengue Fever
  6. Thomson’s Heptagon: A case of bifurcation at infinity
  7. Curvature perturbations and stability of a ring of vortices
  8. Point-Vortex Dynamics
  9. Point-vortex cluster formation in the plane and on the sphere: An energy bifurcation condition
  10. Nonlinear Stability of a Latitudinal Ring of Point-Vortices on a Nonrotating Sphere
  11. Dynamics of a passive tracer in a velocity field of four identical point vortices
  12. Traveling-wave solutions to thin-film equations