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  1. Who supports Bernie? Analyzing identity and ideological variation on Twitter during the 2020 democratic primaries
  2. Carving Out a Niche or Finding a Place at the Table? The Sociology of Transgender Studies
  3. Performing informed consent in transgender medicine
  4. Punctuating Accountability: How Discursive Aggression Regulates Transgender People
  5. Measuring Resonance and Dissonance in Social Movement Frames With Affect Control Theory
  6. Uncertain Expertise and the Limitations of Clinical Guidelines in Transgender Healthcare
  7. Blind to Sameness: Sexpectations and the Social Construction of Male and Female BodiesBlind to Sameness: Sexpectations and the Social Construction of Male and Female Bodies, by FriedmanAsia. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013. 224 pp. $25.00 pa...