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  1. Past price ‘memory’ in the housing market: testing the performance of different spatio-temporal specifications
  2. Car Travel Demand: Spillovers and Asymmetric Price Effects in a Spatial Setting
  3. Putting time into space: the temporal coherence of spatial applications in the housing market
  4. What do hedonic studies of the costs of road traffic noise nuisance tell us?
  5. Domestic energy prepayment and fuel poverty: Induced self-selection of housing characteristics influencing the welfare of fuel-poor households
  6. Spatial hedonic pricing and choice experiments show sorting effects on noise values
  7. Planning policy, housing density and consumer preferences
  8. Expectation Adjustment in the Housing Market: Insights from the Scottish Auction System
  9. Valuation of noise, spatial econometrics and hedonic pricing
  10. Valuing Aircraft Noise: Stated Choice Experiments Reflecting Inter-Temporal Noise Changes from Airport Relocation