All Stories

  1. Functional traits of the early spring flowering Asphodelus ramosus
  2. P. maritimum: a bulbous perennial geophyte
  3. History of Landscaping and Natural History
  4. Flowering during wintertime in Europe
  5. Plant responses to ambient conditions
  6. Cultural History of plants
  7. Adaptive Blossoming of plants
  8. In situ study of deep roots of Capparis spinosa L. during the dry season: Evidence from a natural “rhizotron” in the ancient catacombs of Milos Island (Greece)
  9. Leaf surface wettability and fatty acid composition ofArbutus unedoandArbutus andrachnegrown under ambient conditions in a natural macchia
  10. Epidermal focusing of light and modelling of reflectance in floral-petals with conically shaped epidermal cells
  11. Constraints on floral water status of successively blossoming Mediterranean plants under natural conditions
  12. “Portrayals” of long-lived Mediterranean plants linked to virtues
  13. Morphological features of petals ofNerium oleanderL.
  14. Occurrence of secondary metabolites in tepals ofAsphodelus ramosusL.
  15. Leaf surface characteristics and wetting in Ceratonia siliqua L.
  16. Study of variegated and white flower petals of Capparis spinosa expanded at dusk in arid landscapes
  17. Micromorphology of the petals of the invasive weed, Oxalis pes-caprae
  18. Aspects on the relief of living surfaces using atomic force microscopy allow “art” to imitate nature
  19. Medicinal plants: use in antiquity and current experimental proofs
  20. A study on functional and structural traits of the nocturnal flowers of Capparis spinosa L.
  21. Symbolic plant(s) of the Olympic Games
  22. Aspects of cell wall extensibility in Ceratonia siliqua L.
  23. Development and Structure of Drought-tolerant Leaves of the Mediterranean Shrub Capparis spinosa L.
  24. Stomatal responses of Eucalyptus species to elevated CO2 concentration and drought stress
  25. Probing short-term root exudation in Zea mays
  26. A phi (Φ) layer in roots of carob tree
  27. Ecophysiological adaptations of Asphodelus aestivus to Mediterranean climate periodicity: water relations and energetic status
  28. Field water relations ofCapparis spinosaL.
  29. Plant water relations and turgor
  30. Is negative turgor fallacious?
  31. Mesophyll structure during leaf development in Ballota acetabulosa
  32. Fumigation with β-pinene disrupts turgor of juvenile Picea abies needle tips
  33. Seasonal changes of carbohydrates, lipids and nitrogen content in sun and shade leaves from four mediterranean evergreen sclerophylls
  34. Leaf and root growth of Eucalyptus globulus grown in drying soil
  35. Seasonal Changes in Carbohydrates, Lipids and Fatty Acids of Two Mediterranean Dimorphic Phrygana Species
  36. Free Proline Accumulation in Sapwood, Bark and Leaves of Three Evergreen Sclerophylls and a Comparison with an Evergreen Conifer
  37. Water Relations for Sun and Shade Leaves of Four Mediterranean Evergreen Sclerophylls
  38. Influence of soil drying on root development, water relations and leaf growth of Ceratonia siliqua L.
  39. In vitro studies of embryo growth, callus formation and multiple bud induction of Pinus pinea L.
  40. Physiological Responses of Capparis spinosa L. to Drought
  41. Leaf water relations in eleven Mediterranean species
  42. Ecophysiology of thyme
  43. Energy content, storage substances, and construction and maintenance costs of Mediterranean deciduous leaves
  44. Water Relations and Growth of Roots and Leaves of Woody Plants