All Stories

  1. Confessionalization on the Frontier. The Balkan Catholics between Roman Reform and Ottoman Reality, written by Antal Molnár
  2. Thinking with Jesuit Saints: The Canonization of Ignatius Loyola and Francis Xavier in Context
  3. Introduction
  4. Getting beyond “Jesuit Thinking”. The “désenclavement” of Jesuit Studies Twenty Years on. Where We Are Now? A Consideration of
  5. The Jesuits and Italian Universities 1548–1773, written by Paul F. Grendler
  6. The Jesuits and Globalization: Historical Legacies and Contemporary Challenges, edited by Thomas Banchoff and José Casanova
  7. La vocazione: Storie di gesuiti tra Cinquecento e Seicento, written by Adriano Prosperi
  8. Discovering How to Describe the World Then and Now: A Review Article
  9. Preface to the 20th Anniversary Issue: The Pasts and Futures of Early Modernity in Global Perspective
  10. The Sacralization of Space and Behaviour in the Early Modern World: Studies and Sources, edited by Jennifer Mara DeSilva