All Stories

  1. Characterization of moderate ash-and-gas explosions at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala, from infrasound waveform inversion and thermal infrared measurements
  2. Reconstructing the timescale of a catastrophic fan-forming event on Earth using a Mars model
  3. Repetitive fracturing during spine extrusion at Unzen volcano, Japan
  4. Using infrasound to constrain ash plume rise
  5. Seismic hydraulic fracture migration originated by successive deep magma pulses: The 2011-2013 seismic series associated to the volcanic activity of El Hierro Island
  6. Monitoring changes in seismic velocity related to an ongoing rapid inflation event at Okmok volcano, Alaska
  7. Fault properties during lava spine growth at Mt Unzen, Japan
  8. Seismic and Infrasonic Monitoring
  9. A frictional law for volcanic ash gouge
  10. Landscape reaction, response, and recovery following the catastrophic 1918 Katla jökulhlaup, southern Iceland
  11. Volcanic drumbeat seismicity caused by stick-slip motion and magmatic frictional melting
  12. Seismogenic frictional melting in the magmatic column
  13. Chapter 9 Thermal, acoustic and seismic signals from pyroclastic density currents and Vulcanian explosions at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat
  14. Tracking Changes in Volcanic Systems with Seismic Interferometry
  15. Shallow repeating seismic events under an alpine glacier at Mount Rainier, Washington, USA
  16. Detecting hidden volcanic explosions from Mt. Cleveland Volcano, Alaska with infrasound and ground-coupled airwaves
  17. Insights into the 2011-2012 submarine eruption off the coast of El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain) from statistical analyses of earthquake activity
  18. Watching the Wind: Seismic Data Contamination at Long Periods due to Atmospheric Pressure-Field-Induced Tilting
  19. On the feasibility of magma fracture within volcanic conduits: Constraints from earthquake data and empirical modelling of magma viscosity
  20. On the geophysical fingerprint of Vulcanian explosions
  21. Analysis and forward modeling of seismic anisotropy during the ongoing eruption of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, 1996–2007
  22. Crustal structure beneath the Montserrat region of the Lesser Antilles island arc
  23. An overview of lava dome evolution, dome collapse and cyclicity at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, 2005-2007
  24. Observation of infrasonic and gravity waves at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat
  25. Tracking Pyroclastic Flows at Soufrière Hills Volcano
  26. Volcanic seismicity at Montserrat, a comparison between the 2005 dome growth episode and earlier dome growth
  27. Lava dome growth and mass wasting measured by a time series of ground-based radar and seismicity observations
  28. Broadband Seismic Noise Analysis of the Soufriere Hills Volcano Network
  29. Patterns of volcanotectonic seismicity and stress during the ongoing eruption of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat (1995–2007)
  30. Observations of volcanic tremor during the January–February 2005 eruption of Mt. Veniaminof, Alaska
  31. Analyses of unusual long-period earthquakes with extended coda recorded at Katmai National Park, Alaska, USA
  32. Local infrasound observations of large ash explosions at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, during January 11–28, 2006
  33. Degassing and hydrothermal activity at Mt. Spurr, Alaska during the summer of 2004 inferred from the complex frequencies of long-period events