All Stories

  1. Inter-island networks in Wallacea 15,000 years ago
  2. Talking Dead. New burials from Tron Bon Lei (Alor Island, Indonesia) inform on the evolution of mortuary practices from the terminal Pleistocene to the Holocene in Southeast Asia
  3. Sailing the deep blue sea: The rock art of Wetang Island, Maluku Barat Daya, Indonesia
  4. Fishhooks, Lures, and Sinkers: Intensive Manufacture of Marine Technology from the Terminal Pleistocene at Makpan Cave, Alor Island, Indonesia
  5. 40 thousand years of adapting to sea-level change: the story of Alor’s first peoples
  6. Faces in the Stone: Further Finds of Anthropomorphic Engravings Suggest a Discrete Artistic Tradition Flourished in Timor-Leste in the Terminal Pleistocene
  7. Early ground axe technology in Wallacea: The first excavations on Obi Island
  8. Isotopic evidence for initial coastal colonization and subsequent diversification in the human occupation of Wallacea
  9. Evolutionary tree of Cuscuses - a group of Asia-Pacific possums.
  10. Human foraging responses to climate change; Here Sorot Entapa rockshelter on Kisar Island
  11. Kisar, a small island participant in an extensive maritime obsidian network in the Wallacean Archipelago
  12. A new 44,000-year sequence from Asitau Kuru (Jerimalai), Timor-Leste, indicates long-term continuity in human behaviour
  13. Shell Adzes, Exotic Obsidian, and Inter-Island Voyaging in the Early and Middle Holocene of Wallacea
  14. Modelling earliest human migration from Southeast Asia to Australia & New Guinea.
  15. New engraving finds in Alor Island, Indonesia extend known distribution of engravings in Oceania
  16. A Geological and Spatial Approach to Prehistoric Archaeological Surveys on Small Islands: Case Studies from Maluku Barat Daya, Indonesia
  17. Kisar and the Archaeology of Small Islands in the Wallacean Archipelago
  18. Ideology, Ritual Performance and Its Manifestations in the Rock Art of Timor-Leste and Kisar Island, Island Southeast Asia
  19. Fishing in life and death: Pleistocene fish-hooks from a burial context on Alor Island, Indonesia
  20. Hominin Dispersal and Settlement East of Huxley’s Line
  21. Total evidence phylogeny and evolutionary timescale for Australian faunivorous marsupials (Dasyuromorphia)
  22. Differential preservation of vertebrates in Southeast Asian caves
  23. Oldest human occupation of Wallacea at Laili Cave, Timor-Leste, shows broad-spectrum foraging responses to late Pleistocene environments
  24. Ancient seascape and visibility between the islands of east Indonesia, New Guinea, & Australia
  25. Late Pleistocene/early Holocene maritime interaction in Southeastern Indonesia – Timor Leste
  26. A new family of bizarre durophagous carnivorous marsupials from Miocene deposits in the Riversleigh World Heritage Area, northwestern Queensland
  27. Late Quaternary hominin-bat (Chiroptera) interactions in the Asia-Pacific
  28. The different possible paths early people could have traveled from Asia to Australia