All Stories

  1. Quantum interferometry and pathway selectivity in the nonlinear response of photosynthetic excitons
  2. Photoelectron spectroscopy with entangled photons; enhanced spectrotemporal resolution
  3. Sensing ultrashort electronic coherent beating at conical intersections by single-electron pulses
  4. Machine learning recognition of protein secondary structures based on two-dimensional spectroscopic descriptors
  5. Nonlinear quantum interferometric spectroscopy with entangled photon pairs
  6. Entangled two-photon absorption with Brownian-oscillator fluctuations
  7. Time-dependent simulation of photocurrent-detected two-dimensional spectroscopy of open systems
  8. Photoisomerization transition state manipulation by entangled two-photon absorption
  9. Interferometric spectroscopy with quantum light: Revealing out-of-time-ordering correlators
  10. Unveiling the spatial distribution of molecular coherences at conical intersections by covariance X-ray diffraction signals
  11. Heisenberg uncertainty of spatially gated electromagnetic fields
  12. Detection of photon statistics and multimode field correlations by Raman processes
  13. Imaging conical intersection dynamics during azobenzene photoisomerization by ultrafast X-ray diffraction
  14. Signatures of electronic and nuclear coherences in ultrafast molecular x-ray and electron diffraction
  15. Visualizing conical intersection passages via vibronic coherence maps generated by stimulated ultrafast X-ray Raman signals
  16. Interferometric two-photon-absorption spectroscopy with three entangled photons
  17. Simulation of X-ray linear and non-linear spectroscopy of the molecule called "ESCA"
  18. Application of stochastic light sources in spectroscopy
  19. Direct imaging of ultrafast electron dynamics by X-ray sum frequency generation
  20. Photon-exchange induces optical nonlinearities in harmonic systems
  21. Three-dimensional attosecond resonant stimulated X-ray Raman spectroscopy of electronic excitations in core-ionized glycine
  22. Two-dimensional stimulated resonance Raman spectroscopy study of the Trp-cage peptide folding
  23. Coherent nonlinear optical studies of elementary processes in biological complexes: diagrammatic techniques based on the wave function versus the density matrix