All Stories

  1. Referral criteria for outpatient specialty palliative cancer care: an international consensus
  2. Physical activity in advanced cancer patients: a systematic review protocol
  3. Health care providers’ use and knowledge of the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS): is there a need to improve information and training?
  4. Home-based functional walking program for advanced cancer patients receiving palliative care: a case series
  5. Palliative Care Providers' Opinions of the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System Revised (ESAS-r) in Clinical Practice
  6. Initiation of a multidisciplinary summer studentship in palliative and supportive care in oncology
  7. Bone pain
  8. The Edmonton Symptom Assessment System, a proposed tool for distress screening in cancer patients: development and refinement
  9. A Multicenter Study Comparing Two Numerical Versions of the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System in Palliative Care Patients
  10. Edmonton Symptom Assessment System--Revised
  11. 10.3.2 Classification, clinical assessment, and treatment of the anorexia-cachexia syndrome
  12. Physical activity interests and preferences in palliative cancer patients
  13. The palliative care unit
  14. Cough, Hemoptysis, and Bronchorrhea
  15. The Edmonton symptom assessment system—what do patients think?
  16. The Edmonton Symptom Assessment System: a 15-year retrospective review of validation studies (1991–2006)
  17. Drug Utilization Review on a Tertiary Palliative Care Unit
  18. Palliative care nurses’ perceptions of the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale: a pilot survey
  19. Sleep disturbances in palliative cancer patients attending a pain and symptom control clinic
  20. Palliative radiotherapy for patients with bone metastases: survey of primary care physicians
  21. Opioid Rotation to Methadone: Proceed With Caution
  22. Methadone and Fluconazole
  23. Recent Onset of Abdominal Pain in a Patient With Advanced Breast Cancer
  24. High-Dose Ketamine in the Management of Cancer-Related Neuropathic Pain
  25. Fentanyl by Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion for the Management of Cancer Pain
  26. Baclofen, A Treatment for Chronic Hiccup
  27. Proctoclysis for Hydration of Terminally Ill Cancer Patients
  28. Re: memorial delirium assessment scale and commentary
  29. The Edmonton Staging System
  30. Opioid rotation in patients with cancer pain: A retrospective comparison of dose ratios between methadone, hydromorphone, and morphine
  31. Subcutaneous clodronate
  32. Rehydration in palliative care
  33. Volume of hydration in terminal cancer patients
  35. Capsules and suppositories of methadone for patients on high-dose opioids for cancer pain: clinical and economic considerations
  36. Custom-made capsules and suppositories of methadone for patients on high-dose opioids for cancer pain
  37. Methylphenidate for the management of somatization in terminal cancer patients
  38. Corticosteroids as adjuvant analgesics
  39. Psychostimulants as adjuvant analgesics