All Stories

  1. Needling: is there a point?
  2. Self-reported sinus headaches are associated with neck pain and cervical musculoskeletal dysfunction: a preliminary observational case control study
  3. Scapulothoracic muscle strength in individuals with neck pain
  4. The flexion–rotation test performed actively and passively: a comparison of range of motion in patients with cervicogenic headache
  5. Is there preliminary value to a within- and/or between-session change for determining short-term outcomes of manual therapy on mechanical neck pain?
  6. Upper extremity neurodynamic tests: Range of motion asymmetry may not indicate impairment
  7. Lower Trapezius Muscle Strength in Individuals With Unilateral Neck Pain
  8. Reliability of the radial and ulnar nerve biased upper extremity neural tissue provocation tests
  9. Application of a classification system and description of a combined manual therapy intervention: a case with low back related leg pain
  10. Articular and Muscular Impairments in Cervicogenic Headache: A Case Report