All Stories

  1. The Use of Psychoacoustics in Marine Mammal Conservation in the United States: From Science to Management and Policy
  2. Use of Underwater Acoustics in Marine Conservation and Policy: Previous Advances, Current Status, and Future Needs
  3. Underwater noise characterization of down-the-hole pile driving activities off Biorka Island, Alaska
  4. Underwater sound source characteristics from down-the-hole pile driving
  5. Mid-frequency sonar inter-ping sound filed - could it impact marine mammal by acoustic masking?
  6. Characterization of marine seismic survey inter-pulse sound field in an Arctic shallow-water environment
  7. Soundscape characteristics of the Eastern Taiwan Strait Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin habitat
  8. Seismic airgun reverberation noise levels
  9. Marine soundscape of a critically endangered dolphin habitat in Taiwan
  10. The use of acoustic monitoring in the National Marine Fisheries Service marine mammal incidental take authorizations
  11. The use of acoustic monitoring in the National Marine Fisheries Service marine mammal incidental take authorizations.
  12. New species show how little we know of the sea