All Stories

  1. Subcutaneous fluid and drug delivery: safe, efficient and inexpensive
  2. Plan de estudios universitarios en medicina geriátrica desarrollado utilizando una técnica internacional Delphi modificada
  3. Eficacia de la vía subcutánea frente a la hidratación intravenosa en el paciente anciano hospitalizado: estudio controlado aleatorizado
  4. Prescripción de fármacos en el paciente geriátrico
  5. Standardizing Assessment of Elderly People in Acute Care: The interRAI Acute Care Instrument
  6. Measuring case-mix and outcome for older people in acute hospital care across Europe: the development and potential of the ACMEplus instrument
  7. Dignity and older people: The voice of professionals
  8. La tecnología RAI. Herramienta para gestión de calidad total en atención sociosanitaria
  9. Potential Influence of Previous Medical Pathology on Use of Thrombolysis in the Elderly with Suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction
  10. Thrombolytic treatment for elderly patients.
  11. The regulatory structure of Spanish long-term care: the case of Catalonia’s service structures and quality assurance systems