All Stories

  1. Multi-Level Cervical Disc Degeneration and Vertigo
  2. Long-term Results of Two Different Surgical Techniques Used in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  3. Neuroprotective Effects of Sildenafil on Traumatic Brain Injury in an Experimental Rat Model
  4. An uncommon intracranial malign tumour which was misdiagnosed as Glioblastoma multiforme: Hemangiopericytoma
  5. The effect of surgical decompression on symptoms in peroneal nerve entrapment neuropathy
  6. Does A Vertebra Fracture Cause A Tumor? A Dorsolumbar Paraspinal Desmoid Tumor: Case Report
  8. Discitis, Multifocal Discitis and Abscess in Spinal Brucella Infections
  9. Effects of total and subtotal glial tumor resection on survival
  10. Surgical options for meralgia paresthetica: long-term outcomes in 13 cases
  11. Quantitative evaluation of different far lateral approaches to the cranio-vertebral junction using the microscope and the endoscope: a cadaveric study using a tumor model
  12. Unusual Clinical Presentation and Association of Cranial Dermoid Tumor and Tethered Cord Syndrome
  13. Keyhole approach to the skull base tumors
  14. Intrapetrous Internal Carotid Artery: Evaluation of Exposure, Mobilization and Surgical Maneuvers Feasibility from a Retrosigmoid Approach in a Cadaveric Model
  15. Spondylodiscitis: evaluation of patients in a tertiary hospital
  16. Civilian Gunshot Wound at the Occipitocervical Junction
  17. A Case of Growing Skull Fracture with Appearance of the Sinking Skin Flap Syndrome