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  1. Review of Kusters, Spotti & Swanwick (2017): Translanguaging and Repertoires across Signed and Spoken Languages: Insights from Linguistic Ethnographies in Semiotically Diverse Contexts
  2. Review of Seracini (2020): The Translation of European Union Legislation: A Corpus-based Study of Norms and Modality
  3. Review of Stewart (2018): Italian to English Translation with Sketch Engine: A Guide to the Translation of Tourist Texts
  4. Lawrence Venuti, ed. Teaching Translation: Programs, Courses, Pedagogies
  5. Anjali Pandey (2016). Monolingualism and Linguistic Exhibitionism in Fiction
  6. Gallego-Hernández, Daniel, ed. 2016. New Insights into Corpora and Translation
  7. Review of Swain, Kinnear & Steinman (2015): Sociocultural Theory in Second Language Education: An Introduction through Narratives
  8. Review of Pennycook & Otsuji (2015): Metrolingualism: Language in the City
  9. Editorial
  10. Review of García & Wei (2014): Translanguaging: Language, Bilingualism and Education
  11. Aijmer, Karin & Cecilia Alvstad, eds. 2005. New tendencies in Translation Studies: Selected papers from a workshop Göteborg 12 December 2003
  12. Studying Anglicisms with Comparable and Parallel Corpora
  13. Johansson, Stig & Signe Oksefjell, eds. 1998. Corpora and Cross-Linguistic Research: Theory, Method, and Case Studies.
  14. How Comparable Can 'Comparable Corpora' Be?