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  1. Plant virus evolution under strong drought conditions results in a transition from parasitism to mutualism
  2. A putative antiviral role of plant cytidine deaminases
  3. A putative antiviral role of plant cytidine deaminases
  4. Local adaptation of plant viruses: lessons from experimental evolution
  5. Predicting the stability of homologous gene duplications in a plant RNA virus
  6. Effect of Host Species on Topography of the Fitness Landscape for a Plant RNA Virus
  7. Efficient escape from local optima in a highly rugged fitness landscape by evolving RNA virus populations
  8. Changes in the composition of the RNA virome mark evolutionary transitions in green plants
  9. Within-host Evolution of Segments Ratio for the Tripartite Genome of Alfalfa Mosaic Virus
  10. Evolutionary transitions during RNA virus experimental evolution
  11. Molecular and biological characterization of an isolate of Tomato mottle mosaic virus (ToMMV) infecting tomato and other experimental hosts in a greenhouse in Valencia, Spain
  12. Predicting the stability of homologous gene duplications in a plant RNA virus
  13. High virulence does not necessarily impede viral adaptation to a new host: A case study using a plant RNA virus
  14. The transcriptomics of an experimentally evolved plant-virus interaction
  15. Multiple Barriers to the Evolution of Alternative Gene Orders in a Positive-Strand RNA Virus
  16. Assessing parallel gene histories in viral genomes
  17. Interaction network of tobacco etch potyvirus NIa protein with the host proteome during infection
  18. Genetic variation in fitness within a clonal population of a plant RNA virus
  19. Distribution of mutational fitness effects and of epistasis in the 5’ untranslated region of a plant RNA virus
  20. Viral Strain-Specific Differential Alterations in Arabidopsis Developmental Patterns
  21. Matters of Size: Genetic Bottlenecks in Virus Infection and Their Potential Impact on Evolution
  22. Virus Satellites Drive Viral Evolution and Ecology
  23. Evaluating the within-host fitness effects of mutations fixed during virus adaptation to different ecotypes of a new host
  24. Corrigendum: Variability in mutational fitness effects prevents full lethal transitions in large quasispecies populations
  25. Editorial: A home for virology, ecology, epidemiology, and evolutionary biology
  26. Temporal Dynamics of Intrahost Molecular Evolution for a Plant RNA Virus
  27. Evolution of plant virus movement proteins from the 30K superfamily and of their homologs integrated in plant genomes
  28. Emerging viruses: why they are not jacks of all trades?
  29. Global-scale computational analysis of genomic sequences reveals the recombination pattern and coevolution dynamics of cereal-infecting geminiviruses
  30. Molecular evolution ofPepino mosaic virusduring long-term passaging in different hosts and its impact on virus virulence
  31. BrazilianPotato virus Yisolates identified as members of a new clade facilitate the reconstruction of evolutionary traits within this species
  32. Tracking the Population Dynamics of Plant Virus Escape Mutants
  33. Testing the Independent Action Hypothesis of Plant Pathogen Mode of Action: A Simple and Powerful New Approach
  34. Topology analysis and visualization of Potyvirus protein-protein interaction network
  35. The games plant viruses play
  36. Viroids: Survivors from the RNA World?
  37. Experimental Virus Evolution Reveals a Role of Plant Microtubule Dynamics and TORTIFOLIA1/SPIRAL2 in RNA Trafficking
  39. The rugged adaptive landscape of an emerging plant RNA virus
  40. A putative antiviral role of plant cytidine deaminases
  41. Variability in mutational fitness effects prevents full lethal transitions in large quasispecies populations
  42. Within-Host Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Plant Virus Infection at the Cellular Level
  43. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Variation in RNA virus mutation rates across host cells.
  44. Relocation of the NIb Gene in the Tobacco Etch Potyvirus Genome
  45. Evolution and Emergence of Plant Viruses
  46. Estimation of the in vivo recombination rate for a plant RNA virus
  47. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Mutational and fitness landscapes of an RNA virus revealed through population sequencing.
  48. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Environment determines epistatic patterns for a ssDNA virus.
  49. Molecular Evolution of Viral Multifunctional Proteins: The Case of Potyvirus HC-Pro
  50. Intra-specific variability and biological relevance of P3N-PIPO protein length in potyviruses
  51. Genetic Diversity and Potential Vectors and Reservoirs of Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus in Southeastern Spain
  52. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Molecular evolution in court: analysis of a large hepatitis C virus outbreak from an evolving source.
  53. Experimental Evolution of Pseudogenization and Gene Loss in a Plant RNA Virus
  54. Plant RNA virus fitness predictability: contribution of genetic and environmental factors
  55. Fate of Artificial MicroRNA-Mediated Resistance to Plant Viruses in Mixed Infections
  56. Effects of the Number of Genome Segments on Primary and Systemic Infections with a Multipartite Plant RNA Virus
  57. Natural selection fails to optimize mutation rates for long-term adaptation on rugged fitness landscapes
  58. Emergence and Phylodynamics of Citrus tristeza virus in Sicily, Italy
  59. Faculty Opinions recommendation of The environment affects epistatic interactions to alter the topology of an empirical fitness landscape.
  60. Model-Selection-Based Approach for Calculating Cellular Multiplicity of Infection during Virus Colonization of Multi-Cellular Hosts
  61. Improving the Effectiveness of Artificial MicroRNA (amiR)-Mediated Resistance against Turnip Mosaic Virus by Combining Two amiRs or by Targeting Highly Conserved Viral Genomic Regions
  62. Complex dynamics of defective interfering baculoviruses during serial passage in insect cells
  63. Faculty Opinions recommendation of A virus responds instantly to the presence of the vector on the host and forms transmission morphs.
  64. Genotypic but not phenotypic historical contingency revealed by viral experimental evolution
  65. Computational design of host transcription-factors sets whose misregulation mimics the transcriptomic effect of viral infections
  66. Towards an integrated molecular model of plant–virus interactions
  67. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Codon usage determines the mutational robustness, evolutionary capacity, and virulence of an RNA virus.
  68. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Genomic analysis of a key innovation in an experimental Escherichia coli population.
  69. RNA virus genetic robustness: possible causes and some consequences
  70. Dynamics of the Establishment of Systemic Potyvirus Infection: Independent yet Cumulative Action of Primary Infection Sites
  71. Computational design of genomic transcriptional networks with adaptation to varying environments
  72. Molecular evolution and phylogeography of potato virus Y based on the CP gene
  73. Epistasis between mutations is host-dependent for an RNA virus
  74. A Meta-Analysis Reveals the Commonalities and Differences in Arabidopsis thaliana Response to Different Viral Pathogens
  75. Effects of Potyvirus Effective Population Size in Inoculated Leaves on Viral Accumulation and the Onset of Symptoms
  76. Phylodynamics of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain
  77. Fine-Tuning Tomato Agronomic Properties by Computational Genome Redesign
  78. Phylogeography and Molecular Evolution of Potato virus Y
  79. Ultradeep Sequencing Analysis of Population Dynamics of Virus Escape Mutants in RNAi-Mediated Resistant Plants
  80. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Modelling the evolutionary dynamics of viruses within their hosts: a case study using high-throughput sequencing.
  81. Magnitude and sign epistasis among deleterious mutations in a positive-sense plant RNA virus
  82. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Mutational robustness of an RNA virus influences sensitivity to lethal mutagenesis.
  83. Luria-Delbruck Estimation of Turnip Mosaic Virus Mutation Rate In Vivo
  84. Transcript Profiling of Different Arabidopsis thaliana Ecotypes in Response to Tobacco etch potyvirus Infection
  85. Multihost Experimental Evolution of a Plant RNA Virus Reveals Local Adaptation and Host-Specific Mutations
  86. The Core/E1 domain of hepatitis C virus genotype 4a in Egypt does not contain viral mutations or strains specific for hepatocellular carcinoma
  87. Effect of Host Species on the Distribution of Mutational Fitness Effects for an RNA Virus
  88. Faculty Opinions recommendation of The length of adaptive walks is insensitive to starting fitness in Aspergillus nidulans.
  89. Measuring Selection Coefficients Below 10−3: Method, Questions, and Prospects
  90. The causes of epistasis
  91. Advances in Plant Virus Evolution: Translating Evolutionary Insights into Better Disease Management
  93. Quasispecies Spatial Models for RNA Viruses with Different Replication Modes and Infection Strategies
  94. Dynamics of alternative modes of RNA replication for positive-sense RNA viruses
  95. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Epistasis between beneficial mutations and the phenotype-to-fitness Map for a ssDNA virus.
  96. A systems biology approach to the evolution of plant–virus interactions
  97. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Bacteria-phage coevolution and the emergence of generalist pathogens.
  98. Tempo and Mode of Plant RNA Virus Escape from RNA Interference-Mediated Resistance
  99. One Is Enough: In Vivo Effective Population Size Is Dose-Dependent for a Plant RNA Virus
  100. Tridimensional model structure and patterns of molecular evolution of Pepino mosaic virus TGBp3 protein
  101. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Beyond the consensus: dissecting within-host viral population diversity of foot-and-mouth disease virus by using next-generation genome sequencing.
  102. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Reciprocal gene loss following experimental whole-genome duplication causes reproductive isolation in yeast.
  103. Dynamics of a Plant RNA Virus Intracellular Accumulation: Stamping Machine vs. Geometric Replication
  104. Differences in Accumulation and Virulence Determine the Outcome of Competition during Tobacco etch virus Coinfection
  105. The Evolutionary Genetics of Emerging Plant RNA Viruses
  106. Virus Infection Suppresses Nicotiana benthamiana Adaptive Phenotypic Plasticity
  107. Structural Discrimination of Robustness in Transcriptional Feedforward Loops for Pattern Formation
  108. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Mutation of HIV-1 genomes in a clinical population treated with the mutagenic nucleoside KP1461.
  109. Dynamics of Molecular Evolution and Phylogeography of Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV
  110. Population differentiation and selective constraints in Pelargonium line pattern virus
  111. Error threshold in RNA quasispecies models with complementation
  112. Network design meets in silico evolutionary biology
  113. Optimal viral strategies for bypassing RNA silencing
  114. Simple genomes, complex interactions: Epistasis in RNA virus
  115. Adaptation of tobacco etch potyvirus to a susceptible ecotype of Arabidopsis thaliana capacitates it for systemic infection of resistant ecotypes
  116. New experimental and theoretical approaches towards the understanding of the emergence of viral infections
  117. The Rate and Spectrum of Spontaneous Mutations in a Plant RNA Virus
  118. Robust dynamical pattern formation from a multifunctional minimal genetic circuit
  119. HC-Pro hypo- and hypersuppressor mutants: differences in viral siRNA accumulation in vivo and siRNA binding activity in vitro
  120. Compensatory Molecular Evolution of HC-Pro, an RNA-Silencing Suppressor from a Plant RNA Virus
  121. Replication Mode and Landscape Topology Differentially Affect RNA Virus Mutational Load and Robustness
  122. Mixed Infections of Pepino Mosaic Virus Strains Modulate the Evolutionary Dynamics of this Emergent Virus
  123. Evolutionary Constraints to Viroid Evolution
  124. Application of game theory to the interaction between plant viruses during mixed infections
  125. Contribution of recombination and selection to molecular evolution of Citrus tristeza virus
  126. Effect of citrus hosts on the generation, maintenance and evolutionary fate of genetic variability of citrus exocortis viroid
  127. The Evolution of Viruses in Multi-Host Fitness Landscapes
  128. Extremely High Mutation Rate of a Hammerhead Viroid
  129. Molecular Evolution of a Viral Non-Coding Sequence under the Selective Pressure of amiRNA-Mediated Silencing
  130. Upper-limit mutation rate estimation for a plant RNA virus
  131. Reverse-engineering the Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptional network under changing environmental conditions
  132. The pleiotropic cost of host-specialization in Tobacco etch potyvirus
  133. Natural Selection Fails to Optimize Mutation Rates for Long-Term Adaptation on Rugged Fitness Landscapes
  134. From Hypo- to Hypersuppression: Effect of Amino Acid Substitutions on the RNA-Silencing Suppressor Activity of the Tobacco etch potyvirus HC-Pro
  135. Changes in the gene expression profile of Arabidopsis thaliana after infection with Tobacco etch virus
  136. The promiscuous evolutionary history of the family Bromoviridae
  137. Virus Adaptation by Manipulation of Host's Gene Expression
  138. Genetic diversity of the movement and coat protein genes of South American isolates of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus
  139. Experimental evolution of plant RNA viruses
  140. Simple quasispecies models for the survival-of-the-flattest effect: The role of space
  141. The effect of genetic robustness on evolvability in digital organisms
  142. Structure and Evolution of Viroids
  143. Contributors
  144. Low genetic variability in the coat and movement proteins of American plum line pattern virus isolates from different geographic origins
  145. Virus Evolution: Insights from an Experimental Approach
  146. Distribution of Fitness and Virulence Effects Caused by Single-Nucleotide Substitutions in Tobacco Etch Virus
  147. Distributions of epistasis in microbes fit predictions from a fitness landscape model
  148. Fitness Declines in Tobacco Etch Virus upon Serial Bottleneck Transfers
  150. The evolution of sex: empirical insights into the roles of epistasis and drift
  151. A real-time RT-PCR assay for quantifying the fitness of tobacco etch virus in competition experiments
  152. Analysis of epistatic interactions and fitness landscapes using a new geometric approach
  153. Epistasis correlates to genomic complexity
  154. Insights into the Selective Pressures Restricting Pelargonium Flower Break Virus Genome Variability: Evidence for Host Adaptation
  155. In Silico Predicted Robustness of Viroid RNA Secondary Structures. II. Interaction between Mutation Pairs
  156. Adaptive Covariation between the Coat and Movement Proteins of Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus
  157. Viroids: an Ariadne's thread into the RNA labyrinth
  158. In Silico Predicted Robustness of Viroids RNA Secondary Structures. I. The Effect of Single Mutations
  159. Mechanisms of genetic robustness in RNA viruses
  160. The Fittest versus the Flattest: Experimental Confirmation of the Quasispecies Effect with Subviral Pathogens
  161. Molecular Evolution of the Plant Virus Family Bromoviridae Based on RNA3-Encoded Proteins
  162. Evolutionary relationships among members of the Bromoviridae deduced from whole proteome analysis
  163. Adaptive Value of High Mutation Rates of RNA Viruses: Separating Causes from Consequences
  164. RNA viruses as complex adaptive systems
  165. Epistasis and the Adaptability of an RNA Virus
  166. Parasites and mutational load: an experimental test of a pluralistic theory for the evolution of sex
  167. Mode of selection and experimental evolution of antiviral drugs resistance in vesicular stomatitis virus
  168. The contribution of epistasis to the architecture of fitness in an RNA virus
  170. The distribution of fitness effects caused by single-nucleotide substitutions in an RNA virus
  172. EVOLUTION: Climb Every Mountain?
  174. Evolution experiments with microorganisms: the dynamics and genetic bases of adaptation
  175. Coinfection and superinfection in RNA virus populations: a selection–mutation model
  176. Intraclonal variation in RNA viruses: generation, maintenance and consequences
  177. Evolution of RNA virus in spatially structured heterogeneous environments
  179. r- and K-selection in experimental populations of vesicular stomatitis virus
  180. A Sliding Window-Based Method to Detect Selective Constraints in Protein-Coding Genes and Its Application to RNA Viruses
  181. Differential effects of vertical and horizontal transmission in the fitness of an RNA virus: A reanalysis
  182. GroEL buffers against deleterious mutations
  183. Multiple infection dynamics has pronounced effects on the fitness of RNA viruses
  184. Evolutionary history conditions the timing of transmission in vesicular stomatitis virus
  186. Phylogenetic Analysis of Viroid and Viroid-Like Satellite RNAs from Plants: A Reassessment
  187. Transmission bottlenecks and the evolution of fitness in rapidly evolving RNA viruses
  189. The evolution of RNA viruses: A population genetics view
  190. Diminishing Returns of Population Size in the Rate of RNA Virus Adaptation
  192. The Two Faces of Mutation: Extinction and Adaptation in RNA Viruses
  194. The Two Faces of Mutation: Extinction and Adaptation in RNA Viruses
  195. Little Evidence for Synergism Among Deleterious Mutations in a Nonsegmented RNA Virus
  196. Rate of deleterious mutation and the distribution of its effects on fitness in vesicular stomatitis virus
  197. Clonal Interference and the Evolution of RNA Viruses
  198. Effect of population patchiness and migration rates on the adaptation and divergence of vesicular stomatitis virus quasispecies populations
  199. Evolutionary Dynamics of Fitness Recovery from the Debilitating Effects of Muller's Ratchet
  200. Distribution of fitness effects caused by random insertion mutations in Escherichia coli
  201. Test of synergistic interactions among deleterious mutations in bacteria
  202. Long-Term Experimental Evolution in Escherichia coli. VII. Mechanisms Maintaining Genetic Variability Within Populations
  203. Frequency-Dependent Selection in a Mammalian RNA Virus
  204. Is group selection a factor modulating the virulence of RNA viruses?
  205. Mechanisms of Punctuated Evolution
  206. Response: Mechanisms of Punctuated Evolution
  207. Repeated transfer of small RNA virus populations leading to balanced fitness with infrequent stochastic drift
  208. Punctuated Evolution Caused by Selection of Rare Beneficial Mutations
  209. Repeated transfer of small RNA virus populations leading to balanced fitness with infrequent stochastic drift
  210. Exponential increases of RNA virus fitness during large population transmissions.
  211. The red queen reigns in the kingdom of RNA viruses.
  212. Pear Blister Canker Viroid is a Member of the Apple Scar Skin Subgroup (apscaviroids) and also has Sequence Homology with Viroids from other Subgroups
  213. Does the VP1 gene of foot-and-mouth disease virus behave as a molecular clock?
  214. The strands of both polarities of a small circular RNA from carnation self-cleave in vitro through alternative double- and single-hammerhead structures
  215. Phylogeny of viroids, viroidlike satellite RNAs, and the viroidlike domain of hepatitis delta virus RNA.
  216. High genetic stability in natural populations of the plant RNA virus tobacco mild green mosaic virus
  217. Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Single-Cell Analysis of RNA Virus Infection Identifies Multiple Genetically Diverse Viral Genomes within Single Infectious Units.