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  1. Unveiling the dynamics of open innovation and collaborative network tourism in ASEAN nations
  2. Behavioural intention of consumers to use app-based shopping on green tech products in an emerging economy
  3. Determinants of Electric Car Patronage Intention
  4. Unveiling the Nexus: Disentangling the Impact of Touch Screen Frequency in Electronic Media on Amplifying Control Perception, Elevating Psychological Ownership, and Igniting Intentions to Reuse Payment Services
  5. Examining the Economic Consequences of Remote Work
  6. The Impact of Proactive Resilience Strategies on Organizational Performance: Role of Ambidextrous and Dynamic Capabilities of SMEs in Manufacturing Sector
  7. Exploitation, exploration and ambidextrous strategies of SMES in accelerating organisational effectiveness
  8. A southeast Asian perspective on hotel service robots: Trans diagnostic mechanics and conditional indirect effects
  9. The role of open innovation and a normalizing mechanism of social capital in the tourism industry
  10. Open Innovation Frameworks: A diagnostic analysis of deployment, engagement, evaluation, and governance of Open Innovation in SMEs
  11. Modeling Positive Electronic Word of Mouth and Purchase Intention Using Theory of Consumption Value
  12. Open Innovation Frameworks: A Diagnostic Analysis of Deployment, Engagement, Evaluation, and Governance of Open Innovation in Smes
  13. Dynamic Effect of Flow on Impulsive Consumption: Evidence from Southeast Asian Live Streaming Platforms
  14. SME Engagement with Open Innovation: Commitments and Challenges towards Collaborative Innovation
  15. Ethical artificial intelligence framework for a good AI society: principles, opportunities and perils
  16. Modeling Awareness as the Crux in Solar Energy Adoption Intention through Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
  17. The Malaysian Dilemma: Constructing a Sustainable Economy in the Post-COVID-19 Era
  18. Embracing Technology and Propelling SMEs through Open Innovation Transformation
  19. An Empirical Study on the Determinants of an Investor’s Decision in Unit Trust Investment
  20. Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Framework in Enhancing Business Performances in Oil and Gas Sector
  21. Middle Income Trap Economies, the Way Forward in Malaysia
  22. Agro-Tourism: A Cash Crop for Farmers in Malaysian Rural Area
  23. The Effectiveness of Supply Risk Management in Purchasing and Operational Performances of SMEs
  24. An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Towards Technical Services in Malaysian Automotive Industries
  25. Open Innovation adoption strategy enhancing performances in Malaysian SMEs
  26. An evaluation of Malaysian capital controls
  27. A Study of Users and Non-Users of Internet Banking in Malaysia
  28. The Functions of the Sub-Prime Finance Market and Its Potential in the Malaysian Economy
  29. Adoption and Usage of Internet Banking 'A Technological Perspective'
  30. Factors Determining Consumer Adoption of Internet Banking