All Stories

  1. Adaptation of host transmission cycle during Clostridium difficile speciation
  2. A new genomic blueprint of the human gut microbiota
  3. A human gut bacterial genome and culture collection for improved metagenomic analyses
  4. The microgenderome revealed: sex differences in bidirectional interactions between the microbiota, hormones, immunity and disease susceptibility
  5. Reduced PRC2 function alters male germline epigenetic programming and paternal inheritance
  6. Culturing of female bladder bacteria reveals an interconnected urogenital microbiota
  7. Commensal Koch's postulates: establishing causation in human microbiota research
  8. Concurrent Host-Pathogen Transcriptional Responses in aClostridium perfringensMurine Myonecrosis Infection
  9. A new piece in the microbiome puzzle
  10. Zoonotic Transfer of Clostridium difficile Harboring Antimicrobial Resistance between Farm Animals and Humans
  11. Microbiota shuns the modern world
  12. Illuminating microbial diversity
  13. Transmission of the gut microbiota: spreading of health
  14. Culturing of ‘unculturable’ human microbiota reveals novel taxa and extensive sporulation
  15. HPMCD: the database of human microbial communities from metagenomic datasets and microbial reference genomes
  16. Sequence-dependent off-target inhibition of TLR7/8 sensing by synthetic microRNA inhibitors
  17. IFNβ-dependent increases in STAT1, STAT2, and IRF9 mediate resistance to viruses and DNA damage
  18. Structural basis of a unique interferon-β signaling axis mediated via the receptor IFNAR1
  19. Helicobacter pylori VacA Suppresses Lactobacillus acidophilus-Induced Interferon Beta Signaling in Macrophages via Alterations in the Endocytic Pathway
  20. RNA-eXpress annotates novel transcript features in RNA-seq data
  21. INTERFEROME v2.0: an updated database of annotated interferon-regulated genes
  22. Silencing of Irf7 pathways in breast cancer cells promotes bone metastasis through immune escape
  23. Interferon signatures in immune disorders and disease
  24. Systems Biology of Interferon Responses
  25. Toll-Like Receptors as Interferon-Regulated Genes and Their Role in Disease
  26. INTERFEROME: the database of interferon regulated genes