All Stories

  1. When Your Robot Avatar Misbehaves You Are Likely to Apologize: An Exploration of Guilt During Robot Embodiment
  2. A Virtual Reality Embodiment Technique to Enhance Helping Behavior of Police Toward a Victim of Police Racial Aggression
  3. Automated psychological therapy using immersive virtual reality for treatment of fear of heights: a single-blind, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial
  4. Virtually Being Einstein Results in an Improvement in Cognitive Task Performance and a Decrease in Age Bias
  5. Beaming into the News: A System for and Case Study of Tele-Immersive Journalism
  6. Multi-Destination Beaming: Apparently Being in Three Places at Once through Robotic and Virtual Embodiment
  7. Comparison of SSVEP BCI and Eye Tracking for Controlling a Humanoid Robot in a Social Environment
  8. Real time whole body motion mapping for avatars and robots