All Stories

  1. Rethinking How We Engage in a World Beyond Traditional Term Stakeholders
  2. Sociologists in public health: marginal observers or mainstream collaborators?
  3. Impact of Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Organisations Working with Underserved Communities with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in England
  4. Racialised Experiences of Black and Brown Nurses in UK Education
  5. Stalking and Coercive Control: Commonly Used Strategies in Honour-Based Abuse Against Young People
  6. Honour Crimes
  7. Brothers Who Kill: Murders of Sisters for the Sake of Family Honour in Pakistan
  8. Factors affecting maternal nutrition and health: A qualitative study in a matrilineal community in Indonesia
  9. ‘It's about giving yourself a sense of belonging’: community-based history and well-being in South Yorkshire
  10. Universal healthcare in the Philippines and the scope for therapy and rehabilitation
  11. Realist review of evidence related to mental health rehabilitation staff recovery oriented training
  12. Quality and acceptability of measures of exercise adherence in musculoskeletal settings: a systematic review
  13. Violence committed in the name of 'honour' is a global public health problem
  14. 723 Honour based violence and wellbeing of women and girls of Pakistani Heritage in South Yorkshire
  15. Appointment reminder systems are effective but not optimal: Results of a systematic review and evidence synthesis employing realist principles
  16. Exercise adherence measures – Why we need to start again. Findings of a systematic review and consensus workshop
  17. Recovery-based staff training intervention within mental health rehabilitation units: a two-stage analysis using realistic evaluation principles and framework approach
  18. Appointment reminder systems are effective but not optimal: results of a systematic review and evidence synthesis employing realist principles
  19. Developing a framework for estimating the potential impact of obesity interventions in a European city
  20. Exercise adherence measures—why we need to start again. Findings of a systematic review and consensus workshop
  21. Appointment reminder systems are effective but not optimal: results of a systematic review and evidence synthesis employing realist principles
  22. Representation of Honour Killings: Critical Discourse Analysis of Pakistani English-Language Newspapers
  23. Early experiences in extending personal budgets in one local authority
  24. Targeting the Use of Reminders and Notifications for Uptake by Populations (TURNUP): a systematic review and evidence synthesis
  25. An argument against the focus on Community Resilience in Public Health
  26. The definition and deployment of differential core professional competencies and characteristics in multiprofessional health and social care teams
  27. Assessing the contribution of prescribing in primary care by nurses and professionals allied to medicine: a systematic review of literature