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  1. Association of affected lower limb flexor muscle strength with swing phase duration and gait speed in elderly post-stroke patients
  2. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Arabic version of the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly among community-dwelling older adults in Saudi Arabia
  3. Total knee arthroplasty status and patient-reported, knee-related quality of life over a 4-year follow-up period: data from the osteoarthritis initiative
  4. Functional outcomes by age after inpatient stroke rehabilitation in Saudi Arabia
  5. Improved functions and reduced length of stay after inpatient rehabilitation programs in older adults with stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  6. Relationship between frequent knee pain, obesity, and gait speed in older adults: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
  7. Association Between Lower Extremity Performance and Health-Related Quality of Life in Elderly Mexican Americans
  8. Longitudinal Effects of Physical Inactivity and Obesity on Gait Speed in Older Adults with Frequent Knee Pain: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
  9. Differences in Health-Related Quality of Life Among Subjects With Frequent Bilateral or Unilateral Knee Pain: Data From the Osteoarthritis Initiative Study
  10. The Impact of Frequent Knee Pain and Obesity on Gait Speed: Data from the OAI Study
  11. Role of Physical Activity in Reducing Cognitive Decline in Older Mexican-American Adults
  12. Relationship between falls, knee osteoarthritis, and health-related quality of life: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative study
  13. Trajectories in functional recovery for patients receiving inpatient rehabilitation for unilateral hip or knee replacement
  14. Physical Therapy Entry-level Education and Post-professional Training in Saudi Arabia: A Comparison of Perceptions of Physical Therapists from Five Regions
  15. Evidence-based health care continuing education seminars improve academic staff knowledge and attitudes in Saudi Arabia
  16. Are Physical Therapy Interns Competent in Patient Management Skills? Assessment of the Views of Clinical and Academic Physical Therapists
  17. Routine Physical Activity and Mortality in Mexican Americans Aged 75 and Older