All Stories

  1. Personalization of medicine requires better observational evidence
  2. Thrombocytopenia and bleeding in myelosuppressed transfusion-dependent patients: a simulation study exploring underlying mechanisms
  3. Storage time of platelet concentrates and risk of a positive blood culture: a nationwide cohort study
  4. Age of platelet concentrates and time to the next transfusion
  5. Previously pregnant blood donors associated with death of young men
  6. Comparing transfusion reaction rates for various plasma types: a systematic review and meta-analysis/regression
  7. Effect of solvent/detergent-treated pooled plasma on fibrinolysis in reconstituted whole blood
  8. Storage time of platelet concentrates and all-cause bacteremia in hematologic patients
  9. Impact of red blood cell transfusion strategies in haemato-oncological patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  10. Absence of the spleen and the occurrence of primary red cell alloimmunization in humans
  11. Storage medium of platelet transfusions and the risk of transfusion-transmitted bacterial infections
  12. Prevalence of granulocyte antibodies in never allo-exposed female and male donors
  13. Treatments for hematologic malignancies in contrast to those for solid cancers are associated with reduced red cell alloimmunization
  14. Effect of platelet storage time on platelet measurements: a systematic review and meta-analyses
  15. Red cell alloimmunisation in patients with different types of infections
  16. Red-blood-cell alloimmunisation in relation to antigens' exposure and their immunogenicity: a cohort study
  17. Platelet function in adult ITP patients can be either increased or decreased, compared to healthy controls, and is associated with bleeding risk
  18. Causal Inference in Law: An Epidemiological Perspective
  19. A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial evaluating clinical effects of platelet transfusion products: the Pathogen Reduction Evaluation and Predictive Analytical Rating Score (PREPAReS) trial
  20. Continuing use of the terms prospective and retrospective and quality of reporting of observational studies: time to update the STROBE guideline?
  21. Female sex of older patients is an independent risk factor for red blood cell alloimmunization after transfusion
  22. Anti-K formation is not associated with the storage time of transfused red blood cells
  23. Transfusion-related acute lung injury not a two-hit, but a multicausal model
  24. Causaliteit
  25. Observational etiologic research
  26. Observational etiologic research
  27. Observational etiologic research
  28. Observational etiologic research
  29. Intensive red blood cell transfusions and risk of alloimmunization
  30. Association Vs Causality in Transfusion Medicine: Understanding Multivariable Analysis in Prediction Vs Etiologic Research
  31. Effect of storage of red blood cells on alloimmunization
  32. Storage Time of Red Blood Cells and Mortality of Transfusion Recipients
  33. Flow cytometric assessment of agonist‐induced P‐selectin expression as a measure of platelet quality in stored platelet concentrates
  34. Storage time of blood products and transfusion-related acute lung injury
  35. Comment on “Effect of storage time of transfused plasma on early and late mortality after coronary artery bypass grafting”
  36. Alloexposed blood donors and transfusion-related acute lung injury: a case-referent study
  37. Male-only fresh-frozen plasma for transfusion-related acute lung injury prevention: before-and-after comparative cohort study
  38. Female donors and transfusion-related acute lung injury
  39. Efficacy of experimental treatments compared with standard treatments in non-inferiority trials: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  40. Sufficient-cause Interaction
  41. A solution to the problem of studying blood donor-related risk factors when patients have received multiple transfusions
  42. Blood transfusions: good or bad?
  43. The role of donor antibodies in the pathogenesis of transfusion-related acute lung injury: a systematic review
  44. Multiple transcripts generated by the DCAMKL gene are expressed in the rat hippocampus