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  1. Title: What Rene Magritte's 1933 Painting Tells Us About Perception & The Brain
  2. Evidence for a second rod pathway in the human retina with a cone-like spectral sensitivity
  3. Rene Magritte's "Le Blanc-Seing (1965)": What it tells us about visual perception and the brain?
  4. Analysis of individual and spatiotemporal variability in human cortical contrast response functions: further evaluation of separable high and low contrast processes
  5. The Visual World of Infants
  6. Transcranial direct current stimulation can selectively affect different processing channels in human visual cortex
  7. Effect of contrast and gaps between Vernier stimulus elements on sweep visual evoked potential measurements of human cortical Vernier responses.
  8. Contrast Sensitivity Mediated by Inferred Magno- and Parvocellular Pathways in Type 2 Diabetics with and without Nonproliferative Retinopathy
  9. Effects of age and optical blur on real depth stereoacuity
  10. The Jitter Spatial Frequency Sweep VEP: a new paradigm to study spatiotemporal development of pattern- and motion-processing mechanisms in human infants
  11. The Jitter Spatial Frequency Sweep VEP: A new paradigm to study spatiotemporal development of pattern- and motion-processing mechanisms in human infants.
  12. Psychophysical analysis of contrast processing segregated into magnocellular and parvocellular systems in asymptomatic carriers of 11778 Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy
  13. Chromatic discrimination losses in multiple sclerosis patients with and without optic neuritis using the Cambridge Colour Test
  14. Psychophysical analysis of contrast processing segregated into magnocellular and parvocellular systems in asymptomatic carriers of 11778 Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy
  15. Toward a unified model of vertebrate rod phototransduction
  16. Multiple Steps of Phosphorylation of Activated Rhodopsin Can Account for the Reproducibility of Vertebrate Rod Single-photon Responses
  17. On the reproducibility of single photon responses (SPRs): the gordian knot of rod phototransduction perseveres
  18. Computational analysis of vertebrate phototransduction: Combined quantitative and qualitative modeling of dark- and light-adapted responses in amphibian rods
  19. The Rising Phase of Rod Photocurrent is Fitted by a Linear Model of the Molecular Cascade with No Absolute Delay
  20. Plasticity of human motion processing mechanisms following surgery for infantile esotropia
  21. Phototransduction: Modeling the primate cone flash response
  22. Photokinetic Analysis of Primate Cone Responses Implies Qualitative Differences from Rod Transduction
  23. The development of motion sensitivity during the first year of life
  24. Preoperative Alternate Occlusion Decreases Motion Processing Abnormalities in Infantile Esotropia
  25. Eccentricity and the Ferry–Porter law
  26. Comparison of On- and Off-Axis Photorefraction With Cycloplegic Retinoscopy in Infants
  27. The Effect of Light Adaptation on Scotopic Spatial Summation in 10-Week-old Infants
  28. Red- and green-cone pathways have different temporal properties: implications for photometry
  29. Analysis of visual modulation sensitivity IV Validity of the Ferry–Porter law
  30. Development of contrast sensitivity in the human infant
  31. Polaroid Photorefractive Screening of Infants
  32. The development of monocular and binocular VEP acuity
  33. Measurement of spatial contrast sensitivity with the swept contrast VEP
  34. Can human cones process one million quanta per millisecond?
  35. Changes in time scale and sensitivity of responses of human cone pathways
  36. Two Mechanisms Revealed by Sweep VEP Contrast Functions in Infants
  37. Visual evoked potential evidence for binocularity in young infants
  38. Linear temporal response of the human cone pathways
  39. Is there a physiological threshold for contrast detection?
  40. Development of Monocular VEP Acuities During The First Year of Life: Interocular Comparisons and Measurement Error
  41. Spatial summation in dark-adapted human infants
  42. Area-threshold relations at controlled retinal locations in 1-month-old infants
  43. Vibrotacile masking of Pacinian and non-Pacinian channels
  44. Rayleigh discriminations in young human infants
  45. Vibrotactile masking: Evidence for a peripheral threshold