All Stories

  1. Effect of Volume Change in Undrained Direct Simple Shear Tests
  2. Large-Scale Triaxial Tests on Railway Embankment Material
  3. Development of novel apparatus to obtain soil resistance–displacement relationship for well conductor fatigue analysis
  4. Experimental Study on Use of Internal and External Drains in Triaxial Tests
  5. Comparisons of Two Reconstitution Methods for Clay Specimens
  6. Interface Friction Angle Soil-on-Steel from Ring Shear Tests on Offshore North Sea Sands
  7. Effect of Low Temperature on Latex Triaxial Membranes
  8. Direct shear interface tests for pipe-soil interaction assessment
  9. Penetration Resistance of Offshore Skirted Foundations and Anchors in Dense Sand
  10. Offshore Pipeline and Riser Geotechnical Model Testing: Practice and Interpretation
  11. Model tests to simulate riser-soil interaction in touchdown point region
  12. Strength of Undisturbed versus Reconstituted Silt and Silty Sand Specimens
  13. Closure to “Strength of Undisturbed versus Reconstituted Silt and Silty Sand Specimens” by Kaare Ho̸eg, Rune Dyvik, and Geir Sandbækken
  14. Strength of Undisturbed versus Reconstituted Silt and Silty Sand Specimens
  15. Effect of Nonuniform Stresses on Measured DSS Stress-Strain Behavior
  16. Field Tests of Anchors in Clay. I: Description
  17. Field Tests of Anchors in Clay II: Predictions and Interpretation
  18. Gmax measured in oedometer and DSS tests using bender elements
  19. Gmax measured in oedometer and DSS tests using bender elements
  20. Cyclic bearing capacity analysis for gravity platforms: calculation procedure, verification by model tests, and application for the Gullfaks C platform
  21. Model Tests of Gravity Platforms. I: Description
  22. Model Tests of Gravity Platforms. II: Interpretation
  23. Lab measurements of Gmax using bender elements
  24. Comparison of truly undrained and constant volume direct simple shear tests
  25. Lateral Stress Measurements in Direct Simple Shear Device
  26. Influence of Pre-Shearing on the Triaxial Drained Strength and Stiffness of a Marine North Sea Sand