All Stories

  1. Is age at menopause decreasing? – The consequences of not completing the generational cohort
  2. Can Specular Gloss Measurements Predict the Effectiveness of Finishing/Polishing Protocols in Dental Polymers? A Systematic Review and Linear Mixed-effects Prediction Model
  3. Contemporary Management of Severe Symptomatic Aortic Stenosis
  4. Characterization of CYP2C19*17 Polymorphism in a Portuguese Population Sample Relevant for Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy—A Pilot Study
  5. Children’s Understanding of Informed Assents in Research Studies
  6. Dynamic prediction based on variability of a longitudinal biomarker
  7. A flexible link for joint modelling longitudinal and survival data accounting for individual longitudinal heterogeneity
  8. Improving teeth aesthetics using a spatially shared-parameters model for independent regular lattices
  9. Translation and cultural adaptation of the ICC-compression questionnaire for Portuguese language
  10. Variability in the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) promotor in a HIV-infected Portuguese population
  11. Evaluating polar and non-polar solvents extraction efficiency of gunpowder components by FTIR
  12. Learning the principles of simulation using the birthday problem
  13. Bayesian Model Averaging in seeking for the best surface roughness and gloss
  14. Joint analysis of longitudinal and survival AIDS data with a spatial fraction of survivors
  15. A Bayesian Joint Dispersion Model with Flexible Links
  16. Bayesian joint modeling of longitudinal and spatial survival AIDS data
  17. Estimation of age at death using a smoothing procedure
  18. Efficacy of beta-blocker therapy in symptomatic athletes with exercise-induced intra-ventricular gradients