All Stories

  1. Phenomenal permanence, emotions, and animacy: The foggy tunnel and what experimental phenomenology anticipated about the brain.
  2. The Interpretation of E-Motions in Faces and Bodies Derived from Static Artworks by Individuals with High Functioning Autistic Spectrum
  3. Asymmetrical Pseudo-Extinction Phenomenon in the Illusory Line Motion
  4. Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation modulates attentional resource deployment towards social cues
  5. Global initiatives to locally explore teh user experience The case of the Turin world usability day
  6. Gaze and Arrows: The Effect of Element Orientation on Apparent Motion is Modulated by Attention
  7. Social Threat and Motor Resonance: When a Menacing Outgroup Delays Motor Response
  8. Emotion recognition through static faces and moving bodies: a comparison between typically developed adults and individuals with high level of autistic traits
  9. Can we resist another person’s gaze?
  10. Mishaps, errors, and cognitive experiences: on the conceptualization of perceptual illusions
  11. E-motions
  12. Forward to the past
  13. The representation of time course events in visual arts and the development of the concept of time in children: a preliminary study
  14. Simultaneous Lightness Contrast on Plain and Articulated Surrounds
  15. Simultaneous Lightness Contrast with Double Increments