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  1. Haptic information provided by anchors and the presence of cognitive tasks contribute separately to reducing postural sway in young adults
  2. Haptic information and cognitive-visual task reduce postural sway in faller and non-faller older adults
  3. Additional Haptic Information Provided by Anchors Reduces Postural Sway in Young Adults Less Than Does Light Touch
  4. Context-Dependency of Mobility in Children and Adolescents With Cerebral Palsy: Optimal and Natural Environments
  5. Exercise and cognitive functions in Parkinson's disease: Gender differences and disease severity
  6. Effects of physical exercise on articular range of motion of the lower limb in the Parkinson's disease individuals
  7. Long-Term Multimodal Exercise Program Improves Motor and Non-Motor Parameters of People with Parkinson’s Disease
  8. The role of vision in Parkinson's disease locomotion control: Free walking task
  9. Estudio sobre la amplitud del movimiento articular de la rodilla en el proceso de marcha de niños con parálisis cerebral espástica
  10. Mobilidade funcional em indivíduos com paralisia cerebral espástica de acordo com o tipo e a idade